Sunday, December 19, 2010

Can You Block Your Ears for a Second....

...while I SCREAM!!! *ARRRRRRRGH*. There. Much better. I think I am almost officially over Christmas. Only one more week to go and I still have done nothing and I can't see where I am going to get the time to do it.

See I started Christmas planning in September. Organised my Christmas cards, made lists of who I was buying for and even started making my Christmas cards to give to people. Then *nothing* I don't even know what happened. I had oodles of time and now one week before the BIG DAY and I am unprepared.

It's been wet here most of this week. In fact on Thursday, because of the storms we were having, our relieving Boss closed the office and kindly let us all go home 2 hours early to make it easier for us to get home before the storms struck. As it turned out for me, the only train traveller in the office, my trains ended up being cancelled and I ended up getting home an hour AFTER I normally would so my 2 hour head start was wasted! Was not happy Jan! Plus the storms hit as I was driving home from the station. Friday was not much better as it bucketed down just as I got off the train and headed for my car. I was drenched right through before I even got to the car so I was cold and wet and quite snarky.

Anyway let me start at the beginning. Monday and Tuesday in the office was dead quiet. All our schools and kindergartens are now closed so no phone calls or emails which is nice for a change. But dead boring with not much to do. I have a years worth of filing to do as most of us do as in our office it is menat to be a paperless office which means we electronically archive all paperwork, check to make sure it is in the system then shred everything. Now for the past 6 months our archiver has not worked so the entire office has boxes and boxes of archiving to do. This means when we go back online no-one will have time to archive the back log and we normally employ someone's kid looking for extra pocket money to come in and extremely boring job but not bad since they can whack their headphones on and listen to music while they are doing it.

Wednesday was the judging of our Annual Christmas Decorations competitions. The quality this year was even better than last year. The winners will be anounced at the Christmas Brunch on Friday.

Thursday was quiet and very stormy and we were sent home early.

Friday was Christmas brunch/Secret Santa gift swapping and judging of the Christmas decorations. We didn't win anything this year which we were disappointed in as the person who won stole our idea and only did theirs 2 days before judging whereas we had ours done the first week of December! And ours was way better and more personal! My Secret Santa gift was a ceramic green frog and some choclates.

Our area has decided to boycott secret santa next year and just donate to a good cause instead. What we saw this year did not invoke any Christmas spirit at all. Everyone draws names from a hat and several people were taking names out looking at it and putting it back saying "Nah don't like that one" and pulling out a different name until they found someone they liked. Very rude I thought. Plus some of us buy more expensive gifts (it's hard to buy something decent for $10) only to get something they don't really need in return and not quite as expensive as the gift you gave. I know it's the gift that counts and all but sometimes you would like the gift to be a little more thoughtful than a bottle of hand cream or some little soap balls that were probably gifted by someone's Aunt Sally last Christmas! We just thought that the $10 could be put towards making someone who has nothing a little more cheerful so its not wasted.

The weekend was quiet for us. I had to start my Christmas shopping so ran around like a mad thing trying to buy all the things on my list. We looked at our bank account last night and realised "oops" we have depleted most of our funds and I don't get paid again until the week after Christmas and MM informs me last night that its our turn to host the Christmas lunch. So no idea at this point how we will afford the food! Mum has offered to buy the chicken so that's one thing and MM's mum always makes the trifle and the plum pudding so that is all good. We will just buy the ham, salad and nibblies and everyone brings their own drinks so we should be okay I guess. Will let you know how that goes *grin*.

Generally I do love Christmas but I think with the mad rush I get stressed a little by it all. But come Christmas day I will sit with the family, mum and I will share a bottle of Asti Ricadona between us and giggle like little girls (so my MM says!) and put the past pressures behind us.

And with this blog I will sign off for this week and wish everyone a joyous and wonderful Christmas! Love you all! Stay safe, try not to overindulge (hell know what...indulge to your heart's desire! I know I will!!). And if you are going away please drive safely.

I have been truly blessed once again to have wonderful friends and family like you all!!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas....

Whew! What a hectic couple of weeks! You know I really need to jot down notes to write my blog as so much happens then comes time to write my blog and *poof* all gone...can't remember a thing! I just know that heaps happened and the last couple of weeks have passed in a blur.

Work is quiet now that the schools and our kindergartens are on break so we are playing catch ups really...doing all those crappy little jobs you don't have time for during the year. We had our team Christmas breakfast where our boss paid for us to have brerakfast at the Rue de Paris on Park Road at Milton. They do the most wonderful pancakes and ice cream with fresh berries....MMMMMM! That was a couple of weeks ago and one day before my boss flew out of Australia to spend 5 weeks in the UK. She will be back in January and the lucky thing emailed me pictures of being in London where it is snowing! Nice!

Last week I had my last appointment for this year with my specialist. I don't need to see him again now for another 12 months. I had blood tests done three weeks before that and everything seems ok-ish. My thyroid is only slightly under active now so he has bumped up my Throxine intake to 100mg a day instead of 50mg. So we will try that for the next 12 months and then re-evaluate at the next appointment. My cholestoral number is still really high although lower than 3 months ago. However even though the number is really high and in the red, the majority of it is good cholestoral and I have less than .05% chance of having a heart attack or stroke which is good to know! The cholestoral level is apparently caused by my PBC and he has said we won't even bother testing my heart or arteries or whatever as it appears all is good there. My liver is stable although still disfunctional but again due to the PBC which means my bile ducts are not working correctly which in turn is damaging my liver but no further deterioration thus far which is good. he is hoping the liver will repair itself which is highly possible so long as I eat the best I can. I drink very little alcohol now and usually limit myself to only 2 alcoholic drinks every Christmas and birthday. Alcohol is not banned but imbibing too much is not a sensible option so I try to be careful and to be honest alcohol doesn't do much for me anyway especially since my MM doesn't touch alcohol and I'm not really a lone drinker! I did have a beer a few weeks ago and I enjoyed that but only because it was there and I won't be going out to buy any especially.

It's the middle of a thunderstorm here at work right now and boy is the thunder loud! It's been hotter than hell here all day and shows no sign of cooling down. Damn office airconditioning! The sky outside is so black! It's 2:30pm and it looks like 7:00pm!

My Christmas shopping, which started off so well, has gotten nowhere as usual. Time just marched on by and I think I must have slept through that particular parade! Now we have Secret Santa at work for tomorrow plus a BBQ with Mum's brothers and sisters and then Christmas Day and I have nothing I tell you! I did however manage to get my Christmas cards out on time as well as sending a long overdue Birthday present which was actually due back in September! Sorry Froggy!!!

Other than that I have decorated my house a little, tried spring cleaning but failed due to too much going on.

More later...I think I will log off for a bit until this storm passes. Our IT guys are standing around looking a little nervous so I will be back later!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Breaking News on Last Post

Ok...3 hours after I typed that post our friend rang to let us know his ex-stepdaughter has dropped the charges! He hasn't been told why (probably because they don't have enough evidence to charge with him with anything) but he will still have to go to Sydney next week to clear up the paperwork and he will still be $40,000 out of pocket by the time he pays all the legal fees which really sucks. They get off scot free while he has a huge legal bill that will need to be paid. I am so happy that he won't be going to prison because his mother really needs him as he is all the family she has. I'm wondering if they considered her as an ex-grandmother in their decision but I guess we will never know.

About an hour after he rang our middle daughter called to say she had just been pulled over by the Police for driving with a suspended licence! Silly girl!!! We kept telling her she would get caught but does she listen? No!! MM has left just this minute with the boy to pick her up and get her car which is still sitting on the side of the road. The Police kindly dropped her home as they wouldn't allow her back in the car.

On a happier note I did some shopping today and bought a heap of Chrissy decorations. Everything is currently on sale so I will post pics when I am done. I told MM next Christmas, when the house will finally be ours, I am having the biggest Christmas display anyone has ever seen. There are some gorgoeus lights displays on sale but a little expensive for our budget this year especially since we want the house paid for by March. Then I will be glamming it up! I adore Christmas and would really love to share it with some littlies. We are toying with becoming foster parents in another couple of years so it would be nice to share the experience with those have nothing.

Anyway see you next week!

My "Whinging" Post - Read on if you Dare

Ok...I'm back. I was going to post last night. I got as far as posting my niece's formal photos then felt a sudden wave of nausea then sepnt the night throwing up! I had been feeling off for the past couple of days and it suddenly hit me last night. Today I had the day off anyway to get some more blood tests and stuff done then next week I have my final Specialist appointment until he needs to see me again in another 12 months. I am SOOOO over doctors and tests and stuff. Sucks to be old! (Well oldish anyway lol)

Anyway this post is more of a woe is me post so please don't feel obliged to keep on reading as basically I am just letting it all out here on paper so to speak. One of my friends at work, who is also a Life Counsellor, suggested I was suffering the beginnings of depression. Pfft! I don't generally get depresed. I get a little melancholy at times but in my opinion it just my way of letting out whatever emotional crisis is going through my head at the time. It has been a tough past couple of years but I think I have held up well and doing the best I can to get through life with as little disruption as possible to myself and those around me. This same friend suggested I also needed to talk about the issues more as I do tend to bottle things up as I don't like to burden people with my problems especially as I know everyone is going through something as well and it just seems selfish. So my little bloggy friend here gets to hear it all!

Firstly, MM's knee. After countless x-rays, ultrasounds, blood test and an MRI they could find nothing wrong with the knee or the shoulder, both of which are giving him huge pain. The shoulder they think is arthritis and the knee also could be even though there is still a huge fluid build up there and there must be a reason why it is so swollen. MM remembers when it happened as he felt the knee click out of place at the time so it was obvious to us that something is not right. The verdict from the doctor? Nothing's wrong, can't do anything about it...take some Nurofen...WHAT?? Are you kidding me? So three weeks later the knee still has fluid although the Nurofen has helped with the pain relief and because they make MM drowsy he is at least finally getting a good nights sleep but our research has shown that taking Nurofen over long periods of time can actually cause futher health problems so MM is about to get a second opinion. He is able to get around much better but he can't be taking Nurofen for the rest of his days. I am really annoyed because it took me so long to get him to a doctor and the first time he goes he gets screwed over. But at least he is suffering enough discomfort that he does want it all fixed. I'll keep you updated on the knee thing.

My baby girl Miss 17 finally gradually last week. Mum and Miss 23 and I went to her Valedictory Celebration where they presented the Year 12's with Awards and a Certificate of Completion. It was so beautiful and so emotional. Miss 17's dance class performed their last dance in front of the parents and one her friends had written a song which one of the Classes sang. They showed the usual powerpoint of their time at the school...full of laughs and cheering. It was nice to see all the Year 12's so close. This Year 12 class were basically all good friends with each other so they all cried and got all emotional! Then they had the handing over of the School Charter to the newly elected School Captains for next year. The School Captain for next was this cute lil thing. He suffers from dwarfism and appeared to be very popular. Miss 17 said he gets spoiled at school by everyone...Everyone takes care of him which I thought was nice. No one dared to bully him apparently. He has plenty of body guards ready to defend him! Nice looking lad too. This year's school captain was a really lovely girl who had to give the closing speech and as you can imagine that was extremely hard for her. Everythime she tried to read from her script she kept breaking down. The male Captain beside tried to take over then he bawled too! Then all the parents started bawling lol. Then everyone had a giggle, the girl apologised and giggled and said ok I'm so sorry about that and the proceedings commenced with minimum tears and a standing ovation at the end.

It was a very sad time for Miss 17 and mum as well as dad had always wanted to be able to live long enough to see Miss 17 graduate. He was so proud of her and her photography and her art work as he used to paint and draw a lot in his younger days and was happy to see she also had artistic ability which seemed to have skipped my generation! For her graduation gift I had found a really pretty locket with butterflies engraved on the front and put a photo of dad in it. She wore it under her uniform so that in this way Dad could be there with her on her special day. She wore it to the formal as well. Poor mum broke down when she saw what I had done as she thought it was a beautiful idea and then Miss 17 fell apart as well lol...ah so many tears for just one day!

She had her formal that night and her date was an old friend she has known since they went to kindy together. This is the same boy her ex-best friend used to go out with and when they broke Miss 17 was NOT ALLOWED to associate with this boy anymore. Miss 17 was basically well that's too bad. I have known C much longer than I have known you and I will be friends with whoever I want. So now Miss 17 and her best friend no longer speak although I think the frost is beginning to thaw as they had their photo taken together and the ex-BF has had about 3 other boyfriends since this one! Miss 17's date leaves for the navy shortly and is taking Miss 17 on a holiday up the coast with his parents as that is his graduation present. None of Miss 17's friends did schoolies. They spent the weekend together at Rydges in Brisbane, had a great time, no alcohol involved as none of them drink and they reckon it was the best time they ever had. Miss 17's date was so cute as he actually asked Miss 17's boyfriend R if it was ok if he took Miss 17 to the formal and to the weekend away. R has become good friends with C as they all hang out together with Miss 17 and her friends and he was fine with it all. R is a couple of years older than Miss 17 but he likes all her friends and they all hang out a fair bit together. So it's good to see some responsible kids. R is also quite religious as is his family and he has already told my mother not to worry about Miss 17 as they have decided they will not have sex until they are married which they figure they will do when Miss 17 turns 21. They have it all planned out. Finish Uni (2 years), travel for a few months, find work, get married, move in together. We'll see how that all pans out. Miss 17 idolises this guy and he her. It's all very sweet really.

Work has been very quiet. My boss has had her first holiday in 5 years and she has known flown to the UK returning in January so with school and kindys closing until then work will be very quiet.

Saturday MM and I went to the Surprise 50th Birthday of one of my dear friends from work. Her daughter emailed me a secret invitation to send around work so quite a few of us turned up. She loved it! She is an absolute riot and extremely funny. I love her to bits! We ended up buying her edible undies which she ate right there and then lol. And a little blow up man where you have to bang on him a few times and he "pops" out of the packet all blown up lol. Hilarious!
It was the first time MM and I had been out for a while and the restaurant was at Shailer Park which is an hours drive from Petrie. But I have Yoda on my Tom Tom GPS now and he was very amusing as we found our way there! Although he did get me confused on the way home and I ended up missing a turn off! Damn you Yoda! MM loves Yoda so he had a great time!

Sunday was meant to be a quiet day for me until we got a phone call from some dear friends of ours asking if they could drop in for a bit before they had to go to lunch. They live at Maroochydore and the Mr has been friends with us, well with MM for over 30 years and with me since I met MM about 12 years. The Mrs has been part of the relationship for probably 2 years. I was good friends with the ex-Mrs but she has now moved to Sydney.

There is a fairly lengthy story that goes with this. About 4 years ago the Mr and ex-Mrs divorced. We were shcoked as they owned a huge palm nursery at Nambour, where very well off and always very much in love. He was step father to her 2 daughters, both girls a bit whacked IMO. One became a model and got involved in the drug scene in Melbourne and the younger one turned out to have schizophrenia and ended up moving to Sydney for work but was not staying on medication and was doing bizarre stuff like running around naked on the snowfields in New South Wales and playing chicken with traffic in Sydney. So she was locked away for quite a bit of time. Both girls were very high maintenance. Suddenly the oldest girl tells her mother that her current husband molested her at 13. Instant divorce. The ex-Mrs came to us crying about it and at the time we told her that we didn't really want to become involved as we were friends with both and we really couldn't see that he would have done it. He was an ex-Victorian cop whcih doesn't mean much but he was always anti-paedophile and used to tell us how he used to love locking away rock spiders.

About a year ago he and the Ex-Mrs finally sold their palm nursery for a large substantial amount of cash. The very next day after settlement went through, the daughter went to a Police in Sydney and laid charges against him. Turns out she is substantially in debt, has a drug addicted boyfriend who apparently "witnessed" the molestation. So the past 12 months he has been going to and from NSW getting legal advice and now will have to go to Court next week. He has been told the minimum time he will serve is 4 years. He and the new Mrs have read the statements. He apparently "touched her boob" which he admits to but says that at the time this daughter was quite promiscuous even at 13 and was wearing a bikini top and she asked him to tie it up. The strap fell down and he went to grab it and inadvertently "touched her boob". She also alleges he felt her up which he categorically denies. Because he is also an ex-cop prison will be hell for him. What's worse is that in their defense they are not allowed to mention the fact that he came into a lot of money before the allegations were made which really sucks. So she doesn't have to prove that he did actually do it but he has to prove that he didn't. What's more his elderly mother has been given about 3 months to live and this is distressing her even more. When he goes to Court next week he is likely to never see his mother alive again. The daughter is now 30 years old so it took her about 15 years to lay a complaint.

Now please don't think I am condoning this kind of behaviour. If he did what is alleged then yes he deserves to go to jail. Child molesterers are the worst kind of evil in my opinion But nothing this girl is saying rings true. The Police even noted in the case notes that he is an avid player of World of Warcraft like that proves without doubt that he is a child molesterer. It's all very bizarre. They went through his computer with a fine tooth comb looking for child porn I guess and found it as clean as a whistle. The alleged "witness" claims that Mr made him watch child porn once and also forced him to watch "snuff" movies to prove what would happen to this dude if he hurt his step daughter. Even when the ex-wife told the Police that they never owned any porn at the time they were married nor any "snuff" movies they were never beleived. Both of them are quite prudish so it doesn't seem to fit.

Anyway must be off...Going to shop today for Chrissy decorations and cheer my house up a bit. Christmas this year I want to enjoy more. We didn't really do it last year as it was our first Christmas without dad but time now to get back to enjoying it.

My Niece's Formal Photos

Above: My niece (in the black dress) and her date. The young lad in the glasses is from Gladstone and apparently we went to school with his dad

Before I start my actually post for today here is a few formal photos of my girl :) You'll have to excuse the "watermark" splashed across them...we haven't paid for the real ones yet lol...

My niece and her date for the night...not her boyfriend :)

Hard to beleive that they are all grown up! Seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home from hospital!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Well here I am...It's Tuesday I am at work although not busy as you can see *grin*

Just got off the phone to MM who has finally dragged his aching body to the doctors after me nagging him continuously for the past 5 years or so. About 6 months ago his "restless leg syndrome" started flaring up again and in the midst of a nocturnal "kicking" somehow did an injury to his knee. The next morning he got out of bed barely able to move and has been semi crippled by the knee ever since. A couple of days ago it looked super-swollen. I touched his knee and told him it felt like there wasa build up of fluid there. He looked at his knee and got quite a shock himself...his knee was huge and extremely puffy. So today he made an appointment to see my GP as they bulk bill and he hates having to pay cash to a doctor. MM has not been to a doctor since I have known him (about 13-14 years). The only time he has been near anyone medical was a couple of years ago when he collapsed and I thought he had a stroke as he wouldn't wake and I had to call the ambulance. He had spent that night in hospital and numerous tests later could find nothing wrong. It was just a "turn" of sorts. At t he time they asked me who his GP was and I had to tell them he didn't have one. "Surely he must have a GP" said They. "Nope" said I, "I can't even tell you when he last went as he hadn't been to one in all t he time I had known him." I had even rung his mother to find out and the last time she recalled was when he was 19 and lost his thumb when he was sheet metal working and that was about 25 years ago!

Anyway he ended up today seeing my GP's husband also a doctor at the same surgery. They are both Indian but very nice and easy to understand and they actually show concern for their patients. They will let you stay as long as you need for them to find out everything so they can best diagnose. MM was impressed and he hates doctors. Anyway he had this poor doctor pulling out his hair when he asked for MM's medical history.

MM: "You want ALL my medical history"

Dr: "As much as you can remember yes"

MM: "How fast can you type and how much time do we have"

Dr: "As much time as you need"

MM: *Proceeds to give Dr details of ALL the broken bones and operations he has had since he was a child including the broken back and spinal operations as a 12 year old, the broken collar bones, arms, fingers whilst playing football, the loss of the thumb while sheet metal working, the stab wounds from his days as Nightclub Bouncer when patrons got rough, a bullet wound from a drive by shooting when he was in his "wild boy" phase and the list goes on. *

The Dr eventually ran out of page space on the computer and couldn't figure out how to create a new page on the computer. MM, being the computer tech, actually sat with him and showed him how! Anyway it seems MM and this Dr are now long life buddies and MM has a list of tests to be conducted for all the ailments he has.

He needs x-rays and a possible MRI for his knee, ultrasound for the injury to his shoulder which he never got seen to, and probable removal of some skin cancers. Plus tomorrow he has a barrage of blood tests to be done as well and then eventually the removal of the fluid on his knee once they find out how much damage has been done to it. And the Dr made him do a prostate test as well now he is 50 which MM is not happy about and the Dr also wants to do a colonoscopy for a haemorroid MM has had for some time and had been treated years ago but is now giving him grief. This is what happens when you delay the inevitable. We have put our cruise off till early next year so we can both be at our healthiest. No point going if MM has to be pushed around in a wheel chair! Although he said he wouldn't mind if it was a cute young nurse! I agreed and said it would be a cute young "male" nurse. He gave THAT look that said over my dead body. Well sweetheart that CAN be arranged *grin*

We went over our finances on the weekend and we have a grand total of $8,000 left on our house mortgage! So we figure that will be paid for by February; in March I have my Early Childhood Retreat to organise so our holiday/cruise we will aim for end of March/early April at the latest. We have waited this long...a few more months can't hurt.

Oh and I did order my Kindle on the weekend so it should be here this week although MM won't let me have it until Christmas since it will be a Christmas present. No fair! That was the condition of me getting one and MM thinks it is hilarious and keeps doing evil laughs in my direction every time I look at the list of books we have already downloaded ready to be put on it. *Sigh* Men can be so mean. I very rarely ask for anything and don't spend money on myself except on birthdays and Christmas so I can't wait!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

And so another Sunday comes to an end...

It's 8:00pm Sunday night...Ugh! I hate this part of Sunday...preparing things for work for the week and then it's time for bed early to be up early Monday morning to start a new week. It's such a drag...I really need a new job but lack the motivation to change so just whinge about it to everyone and tonight you guys are it!

Believe it or not as I sit here typing this I am drinking a.....BEER! Crown Lager to be precise. Why? I hear you ask...because it was there! Well actually I bought them for some friends of ours who dropped in for a visit so MM could fix Mr's computer. They are a lovely couple and we get on with them well aslthough the Mrs is the new Mrs. I am still good friends with the old Mrs but since the divorce she has moved to Sydney and I do like the new Mrs. These situations are always awkward but the old Mrs never gets mentioned by them or us so it's like she never existed really. So we had drinks and nibblies and because there was a beer still in the fridge I decided I would nab it. This is only my second drink this year so my doctor shouldn't be too upset. He hasn't banned me completely from alcohol but told me to drink it sparingly so I have.

We also watched "Ghost Rider" as they had never seen it while we waited for the computer to be re-formatted we watched the movie.

Miss 22 is still moping around and visits regularly. I can't remember if I told you that she and the Air Force guy are no more. She came over a couple of weeks ago heart broken because only a week after they split he had a new girl friend moving into their old place so we figure she was in the picture before they even split. So a 5 year relationship bites the dust. She has finally decided to get herself a job and has applied to a couple of child care places. She was doing childcare up until she moved out of here then just decided to live off her boyfriends salary and not work anymore. That was pretty much a sticking point with him as well. He was always at her to get a job as she loves to spend money so the fault was hers as well.

Anyway short and sweet tonight as I still have heaps to do and the beer is gone time to get up and finish and then to bed!

Night all!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Life of an Ant is a busy one...

I sat on the train platform last night, feeling a little out of sorts [which seems to be my lot these days! Must be getting menopausal or something! Eeeek!] Anyway I was tired and was watching with fascination, a little lone ant who had picked up a potato chip crumb. Well to me it looked like a small crumb but to the little ant he looked as though he was carrying a double storey house on his shoulders! Anyway the train platform is just made of uneven pavings so I watched as this little ant, carrying the weight of the world on his back, tried to traverse over hill and dale and completely fascinated at his diligence. Not once did he falter in his mission until....

Some dude in a suit marched on by and stomped my little ant and his booty into the pavement. Devastated! Reminded me just how fragile life can be. week that was, was pretty redundant. BORING as usual...My burst of energy returned just in time on Saturday to give me renewed enthusiasm to have my house spring cleaned in time for Christmas. Some friends of ours from Canberra (actually these friends are MM's ex-wife's brother, his wife and their 5 kids who we get on extremely well with) might be coming to Queensland for a visit and have asked to stay with us which is what they usually do as the husband can't stand his own family and always sided with MM in the break up of his marriage to his sister. And the wife has always hated MM's ex-wife with a passion so we get on like a house on fire much to the distaste of the ex-wife. And the kids have always called me "Aunty" and are beautiful kids and I just love having them around.

So its spring clean time and trying to organise bedding and such which won't be as hard as last time they stayed when our three kids lived with us as well. Now we have 2 spare beds with three empty beds so it won't be any huge hassle. They haven't completely made up their minds yet if they are coming but if they don't no matter. My house will be spotless anyway!

My niece and my mum spent Saturday morning over at my house. Miss 17 has to complete her photography portfolio before they will accept her into her Photography course and because mum's printer chose that very week to give up the ghost, she came over to borrow our printer. So we spent the morning choosing photos for her portfolio, labelling them and printing them and binding them in a folder ready to be taken to TAFE. She was taking a day off from school with her boyfriend and going in with him to Southbank to deliver it. She was offered also a course doing Travel Agency stuff so she will apply for that one as well in case she can't get into photography. This way, she says, she can travel and do photography while on her travels and she would be happy with that although very disappointed if she can't get her first choice. So we will see how she goes.

Sunday I went shopping for the first time in ages. On Tuesday our office was having its annual Melbourne Cup do and our department decided we would glam it up this year. Normally I don't bother as I just don't do glam all that well. BUT I did actually buy myself a really pretty silky maxi dress and some heels and a pretty fascinator for my hair. WOW! I must admit I did look pretty alright. MM had to look twice to make sure it was me and Miss 23 walked up to me and said "You look really beautiful"...aww shucks...

It was also Halloween and even though we don't celebrate it any form [don't even have anything to give the kiddies even if they did show up, not because we are mean and nasty but simply because I always forget!], I don't begrudge those who want to dress up. Saw a couple of kiddies dressed up with their mums and they had their little 'candy buckets' (I hate how we now call lollies candy!). Really very cute but some guys went past them yelling at them about how we lived in Australia and not America. That really annoyed me. Considering the tradition didn't even originate in the US anyway and why can't people have a bit of fun dressing up and being silly. Like I said it's not for me but I know people from work who have Halloween parties and such and just people having a great time. Other countries don't have the monopoly on fun is the way I see it. As for the trick and treating well in our neighbourhood it doesn't have to be Halloween for the teenagers to be vandalising something as a "trick". It's all a storm in a teacup really. I just think people are free to believe what they want.

At work on Tuesday for Melbourne Cup everyone was like "wow look at you". I'm sure there are photos being splashed around somewhere. Our IT guy was snapping away madly with the camera. So needless to say I felt like a fraud the whole day! And I really am not comfortable in a dress or skirt I have decided. I kept worrying that I was missing my pants for instance! The girls all wore their heels at lunch only and as soon as the race was over, back to our flatties...ahhhhh...bliss *grin*. I don't bet on Melbourne Cup however do spend on the office sweepstake. For $5 I won back $6 so I made a whole dollar! Yay me!

Anyway now it is Thursday and I am thinking of having Thai for dinner. I am loving our new Thai Restaurant at home. The food there is very nice and very reasonably priced way cheaper than if we were to order pizza or KFC. And I have a craving for curry lately so it satifies that craving as well.

Oh and Krispy Kremes are almost no more! Nooooo...say it isn't so. Mind you its been about 6 months since my last Krispy Kreme so I blame myself really...

I told MM last night that I was going to order myself and Daughter No. 2 a Kindle for Christmas. A lady from work just received hers from and wow I love it and want it. Considering I pay $30-$40 for a novel these days I figure I can have the thing paid for with just 3 books. Miss 23 and I drooled over them one night on the site. They hold 3500 books! Awesome! Plus when MM and I finally go on our cruise I will have a nice little stash of reading material with all fitting into my little handbag. MM has told me I can have one so long as I never "Buy" a book or magazine ever again. There are other more expensive book readers around but I don't care about all the bells and whistles and the Kindle seems to do everything I want it to do. So now we wait and see.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Message to My Blogger Pal, Froggy

Dearest Froggy...just letting you know I STILL have your birthday present sitting on my desk at home! I'm so sorry! I will get it to you (before Christmas hopefully!) I just haven't had the chance to get it to the Post Office. Just so you know I haven't forgotten...I'm just a very slack pork chop.

Speaking of Froggy and Pork Chop, remember Epileptic Cabbage? I found her photo the other day in my box of memories would be great to track her down again! We wrote for a while and she was engaged to be be married so no idea what her married name would be now.

PS Love you heaps!!


Some Pictures taken by me at the Toowoomba Flower Festival...the majority of the photos (about 40 odd!) are on my Facebook page...

It has been brought to my attention it has been 2 months since my last post! Eeek! Sorry guys...really didn't think it was that long but lo and behold yes it is true. I won't try and rehash my last 2 months as to be honest I don't really remember now what I did! I did however have one fun outing with my mum and her sister. We went on a bus trip to the Toowoomba Festival of Flowers. Wow! It was great! I had never been and yes, it was on my list of things to do before I turn 50 :) A friend of mine suggested I should also go see the Melbourne Flower and the Chelsea Flower Festival in the UK...So that is now on my list!

The bus trip was fun except for the fact I was the youngest person there...the majority of people are 55+ mostly bordering on 70, 80ish but they all loved me lol...Maybe because I was helping them get on and off the bus and because it was raining I was very gallant and held my umbrella over the darlings heads as they were getting their coffees :) One lady told me I was a "lovely little girl" lol. But I do love old people and one old gent there reminded me so much of my dad in his final years so it was hard to not feel for them. For $70 the trip was great value...trip to Toowoomba, plus a stop for morning tea where they provide tea, coffee and an assortment of yummy cakes and lunch at the local club which in this case was a buffet lunch at the Golf Club. Next month they are doing a mystery shopping tour around some of the shopping warehouses in Brisbane so I have my name down already! Christmas shopping here I come!

Ok moving forward this weekend I did a lot and was happy because all my plans actually came to fruition. Saturday morning up early and got a heap of washing, vacuuming and dusting done then I rang mum to see if she wanted to come with me to Spotlight which she was definately up for. So half an hour later we were in the car and off. I really only wanted to get some card making stuff to make my Christmas cards and mum was in the market for buying some curtain material for her downstairs lounge area which she is doing up. Neither of us actually ended up with what we wanted! However I did find some awesome butterfly decals for my craft room wall. My craft room is slowing undergoing a metamorphosis and the butterflies look so nice on my newly painted blue walls!

Sunday was actually fine and the sun was out! So I pottered around the garden for a bit, cleaned up my back deck and sorted out my haning plants which all need re-potting. MM and I decided to make a trip to Bunnings to get some supplies...he to get some silicon to seal up some spots on the back deck which has been leaking a heap of water under the house because of all the rain; and me, I got some paint to paint a timber wishing well plant holder the kids bought me many years ago which is fairly weather worn and I have decided to paint it up and some potting mix to re-pot my hanging plants. So all in all a successful weekend.

Sunday night I decided to cook a lamb roast. Now it has been years since I cooked a roast as we never have time to cook it but this weekend I decided it was going to happen. Of course once Miss 22 found out we were having roast she invted herself for dinner lol. Which was fine as we had heaps of roast and hubby always peels way too many vegies! So we had ample. Was a really nice dinner.

Today was Monday and like all Mondays I find it hard to get organised and motiviated! We have Monday morning meetings and usually they are okay but today I wasn't in the mood for it. I went to bed last night inexplicably upset and cranky...still not really sure why but I had a really bad night. This morning was no better...was still feeling a little teary but by the time I got coffee and was heading to work all was good. Then at lunch time I stupidly put my half full bottle of Coke in my bag but somehow the cap came off so I had a handbag full of Coke and now everything is sticky and yuk. Made my mood even gloomier! But by the time I got home tonight I was feeling much better. MM for some reason must have sensed my mood because he actually gave me a huge hug and sat me on his knee for a kiss which he rarely does! So that was nice and we talked about our day which we normally do but usually with him at his computer and me at mine! So needless to say I'm feeling loved up right now lol.

Anyway that's my blog entry for today. I'm about to post some photos of my Toowoomba trip so enjoy the show :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Whew....what a month!

I am soooo happy that August is over and almost half way through September! Some days I wish I could be footloose and fancy free and just do what I feel like instead of marching to the beat of everyone else’s drum! Only a few more months before the mortgage is off our hands and then look out world! Time for a sea change methinks.

August was pretty atrocious for me. I had 2 weeks off work as I was suffering intense kidney pain and had to go back and forth to the doctor those 2 weeks. I feel like I live there these days! Luckily I have a really nice doctor. She is Indian or Sri Lankan but very nice and although sometimes her accent is noticeable I have no problems understanding her. She is very thorough which is what I like about her and rather than fob you off she will try everything she can to find the cause of any ailments. And because she bulk bills it costs me very little except time. Anyway I had the usual urine test done to see if maybe it was kidney stones. The pain was excruciating and kept me awake every night as every time I moved it felt like I was being stabbed in the side. Anyway it turned out it wasn’t kidney stones so I was then sent off for chest xrays as she thought I may have pneumonia or pleuresy. Turns out the x-ray showed a bronchial thickening in my chest which was causing the pain. Apparently I had bronchitis at some point that wasn’t treated (don’t remember that as I don’t recall ever having bronchitis!) Anyway a course of antibiotics later and the pain is gone. Now though I have a bad head cold which is really driving me nuts!

The past month or so I have been organising our early childhood conference which was held last Saturday. So much work for just one day! But it was very successful and I received heaps of great feedback so I was really pleased it all went so well. So all over for another year and now planning starts for the Annual Staff Retreat in March which is a weekend away for all 50 of our Kindergarten/Child Care Directors.

End of August would have been my dad’s birthday so I have decided that each of his birthdays I am going to buy myself an orchid as that was his favourite flower and something we always bought him for his birthday. I know nothing about growing orchids but my father-in-law is also an expert on them so he is going to help with tips and advice. I now have 2 orchids – one that dad me years ago which is still growing nicely and the one I bought on his birthday. MM is going to build me an orchid house so I can’t wait!

Last Sunday for Father’s Day we went to breakfast for my father-in-law. It was really nice. It was at the North Aspley Leagues club and apparently they do a big buffet breakfast every Sunday. The food there is really good and MM has decided he loves it there and wants to go more often! This is a guy who really doesn’t like going out anywhere! So I was surprised to hear him rave about this place and how much he loves the breakfast. They have everything from cereal, pancakes, sausages, eggs done every which way, bacon, spaghetti, baked beans, toast with all kinds of spreads, danishes etc. Really good variety. So that was a really nice day.

On the way home we had to go to the inlaws as dad wanted me to help him get Skype working so he could talk to his family in New Zealand. They all now have Skype and so I set it up for him and showed him how to conference call. We then went home. Not long after we got home dad called to say he was going to conference with the NZ rellies and did we want to join in. So MM and I logged in and I initiated the conference call with all the NZ rellies and we sat around for an hour chatting. They all marvelled at technology and being able to chat over the computer instead of the phone. We even got to chat with MM’s grandmother who is a sprightly 96 year old and she was loving being able to chat to all the kids in Australia! Some of MM’s cousins live in Christchurch and as you will know they have had the big earthquake there so everyone was concerned but it turns out everyone is fine. MM was funny because he doesn’t even know most of his cousins and he was asking me who they all were! It seems I know more about his family than he does! Anyway the biggest drama to come out of the earthquake was that an antique grandfather clock belonging to cousin Kit was badly damaged in the quake so she was very upset. It was a wedding present to the great great great grandparents and is over a century old so everyone was tutting over the loss of the family heirloom. But thankfully no-one was hurt.

Yesterday (9 September) my baby girl turned 17! I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. I can remember being at the hospital the day she was born! In fact she still has the fluffy elephant I bought for her the day she was born. It is her favourite thing and she still treasures it to this day. I haven’t managed to see her yet to give her a gift as her social calendar is full! Last night her boyfriend took her to dinner then a movie…Saturday her friends are throwing her a BBQ on the beach, weather permitting so hopefully Sunday I can grab her for a bit of time! Last weekend I helped her submit her QTAC form for TAFE so now she has to work on a portfolio to submit along with a 250 word essay on why she wants to do photography and what she expects to get out of the course. Not to mention all the exams and assignments she needs to hand in for end of year. So she is feeling the pressure a little bit now.

Anyway I guess that’s my month in a flash. See you all next time!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

This Week continued...

Sorry...had to interrupt my train of thought with a 2 hour long meeting which really achieved nothing as is the usual case!


Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was pretty the same old same old...sleep, eat, go to work, eat sleep...not necessarily in that order!

The weekend was damn slow and boring...I swear if I don't get out of the house soon I'm going to explode...Saturday was washing day then hubby asked me if I'd like to watch a series of documentaries he'd downloaded especially for me. In actual fact, no I didn't really feel like wasting a Saturday sitting on the coach watching TV. But I had mentioned in passing a month or 2 back how much I'd love to visit Canada and that we should go there after our cruise. So Darling hubby downloaded a 6 part series on Canada done by a guy called Ray Mears who spends the time trekking through the endless forests there and giving a history of Canada and showing his bush skills and how the native Indians survived using their bush skills etc. It was actually very interesting and I am glad we watched it and secretly I guess I'm proud of my hubby that he actually listens to me and tries to please me when he can!

Sunday I did my usual visit to Mum's and met Miss 16's boyfriend R who is starting to make a habit of sleeping over there on weekends...on the lounge of course. He is a very shy little muppet and honestly all I want is a pair of scissors so I can cut his hair! He has long blonde hair with the bulk of it hanging over his face which he occasionally flicks back so you can see his face! He seems nice but I tried to get a conversation out of him about Uni and what he is up to etc and really only got monosyllabic replies! Miss 16 says he is not normally that quiet but he is shy and will warm to me....eventually!

If Only....

...I could remember to write everything down that I do in a week even if it is in note form, I might just have something interesting to report here. I had meant to do a blog a few days ago while it was fresh in my mind but as usual my mind ventured down another avenue and as usual I sit here racking my brain trying to remember something interesting that might have happened rather than subjecting you all to a snooze fest!

Monday was the usual *get up groaning about the fact it is Monday and where the heck did the weekend go*. My Monday mornings are always slow and I spend more time wishing I could work from home as my darling hubby does and begrudging the fact that I have to travel so far to work and that I want to work somewhere where I can get there in 5 minutes by car. That way I could sleep in just a little bit longer. Mondays at work are a write-off anyway as we have our staff meetings every Monday morning where we co-ordinate diaries and discuss the previous week's issues and this can last right up until a late lunch after which point it is almost time to go home...bit of a bludge really as the meeting is basically a gossip session so nothing much gets done.

Monday night we got a phone call from a tearful Middle Daughter to say she and her Air Force guy have broken up after 4 years together. I knew this was on the cards for some time and had told my hubby this some time back although he didn't really believe me but woman's intuition told me that things weren't going well for them. Air Force guy has just got back from deployment overseas and I don't think Middle Daughter really likes the long separations that air force life brings. Plus she refuses to get a job and basically lives on his money which I think he resents as he has to work hard for it and she doesn't even try to contribute to the household. She does however love to spend it AND to make things worse she had been using his money to pay her mother's bills!

Her mother, my hubby's ex, is apparently dead broke even after receiving a small fortune from her father's estate. She blew all the money on her last husband who spent it all on fast motor bikes and fast cars and trips overseas then once the money ran out he left her. So it's all pretty messy really.

Anyway, I have a feeling this may be just a hiccough for them and they may get back together again...we'll wait and see.

Tuesday I had the day off as I had to go visit my specialist. I am still to have my liver biopsy but they are not so worried about that now as they are almost certain I have PBC (Primary Biliary Cirhossis) and I need to go back for more blood tests in December and visit him again then. My cholestoral number is extremely high however it is mostly good cholestorol so it puts me at a very low risk of heart attack or stroke which is good news. The thyroid tablets are working a treat as well so if all is still good in December they will put me on medication to help with the PBC. In the meantime I am on Questran twice a day which I hate as it is a powder you have to mix with water or juice and its rather gluggy and doesn't actually dissolve but it helps so I deal with it. I feel so much better, still a little run down but not so much and I am able to walk and exercise now without collapsing in a heap. At the train station I have been making myself take the stairs instead of the lift and that has been really good. Not puffed anymore when I get to the top.

My weight has finally stabilised. At one stage the weight was just falling off me and I looked awful...all skin and bones...I have put on a small amount of weight but am still wearing Size 12 trousers and jeans which still astounds me as I have NEVER been that size. The smallest I have ever been my whole life is Size 14 - 16. Hopefully it will stay stable although I still have my fat clothes just in case.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some of Miss 16's Photography...

Here's a couple of photos I snagged from Miss 16's Facebook page...a couple of these were taken by me but the rest are all hers and she takes them herself with the help of a tripod...I can't find the pic I really love but she did have it printed on canvas for me for Christmas although I have yet to frame it. I think she needs to have it in her portfolio as she needs to provide at least one self portrait...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wow! What a week...thank god it's nearly over!

So.....this week has been a rather eventful one. It sure has moved on really quick which is great because it means the weekend is here again!!

Work wise it has been extremely busy and to be honest I am at a point where I just want to toss it all in...not enjoying any of it anymore which is generally an indication that it's time to move on...but more about that later.

Saturday started off well. I went to mum's for a bit and helped Miss 16 prepare for one of her best friend's parties. He (J) was having a 17th birthday party which we thought was a bit strange since we figured he should have waited for an 18th instead but as it turns out he probably won't get an 18th! They were having a Naughty & Nice themed party and Miss 16 and her other best friend C were dressing as french maids with the fish nets and teeny little skirts etc. They did look cute and not as trampy as I thought they would look. Then they waited for Miss 16's latest boyfriend R to pick them up.

Let me tell you about this new guy. I didn't really think much of R mainly because he is 18 and goes to Uni but after this night my estimation of him went up substantially which proved to me not to judge a book by its cover I guess. R's last girlfriend died 10 months ago of cancer and Miss 16 was the only person who would listen to him while he was upset and their relationship evolved from there. I originally used to see him on Facebook and to me, the comments he used to make to Miss 16 on Facebook bordered on stalker to me. But again I could be wrong! Anyway she really likes him and he treats her well and yeah like I said his actions on this Saturday night proved to me he can be trusted.

Anyway...Saturday night and they head to the party. The birthday boy, J, has booked himself a hall and a DJ and Miss 16 and C had a list of names to give to the bouncer so that as people arrived, if your name was on the list you got a wrist band and got signed in. Not on the list? No entry!

First half of party was great according to Miss 16 and C. C's boyfriend was also there until things stared to go sour. Firstly J didn't have money to get the pizza to feed everyone and tried to talk Miss 16 and C to pay for them since the party was supposed to be for C's birthday as well. Both girls refused as they hadn't wanted a party this big and had no part in the planning as J had pretty much invited everyone without their knowledge. Halfway through the night there was suddenly a whole lot more people and Miss 16 and C told J that people were coming in who weren't invited and in fact they didn't even know them...did he? J's response was that is was a party right? Just enjoy! At this C got very upset and decided to leave the party.

C left with Miss 16's boyfriend while C's boyfriend stayed with Miss 16 as Miss 16 wanted to start cleaning up. By now the party was getting very aggressive, there was alcohol coming from somewhere and fights were breaking out. About 20 of the kids took over an industrial bin and were riding it down the main street narrowly missing cars and somewhere the Police arrived. By now J's mother had arrived and she was less than impressed and demanding answers. J was now blaming Miss 16 and C saying they had invited too many people and people were gatecrashing. Miss 16 was furious with J as this wasn't the case at all so she called R to come back and pick her and C's boyfriend up as they were all going to be staying at R's house that night. So now poor Miss 16 was having to get a lecture from J's mum about being irresponsible and the mother ended up calling my mum next day to tell her what went on and saying Miss 16 and C were drunk (she wasn't) and had created a huge disturbance. J's mum then went on to say that all three of them were supposed to pay a third of the costs each (again not true and J had boasted about how he was going to have the party he wanted and booked the hall without his mother's knowledge. Now he decided he didn't want to pay for the whole mess!) J's mum said she noticed Miss 16 and C were drunk before they even entered the party (again not true...Miss 16 still had the flu pretty bad and her eyes and nose were sore and runny before she even went. Mum wanted her to stay home in fact. Also she was wearing extremely high stilettos which were killing her feet causing her to wobble a little). Turns out that J had stolen his mother's alcohol and had been giving it out to kids at the party.

Miss 16 and C had only invited 20 kids whereas J had invited the whole of the Year 12 class, even those he didn't know. In Miss 16's and C's opinion this was to make himself "popular" at school because as a 17 year old gay boy who makes no secret of it, he is not exactly popular at school and only has a small circle of friends (Miss 16's circle.) I had always thought a lot of J as he was always a nice kid and it turns out I went to school in Gladstone with his dad! Miss 16 and J have known each other since kindy and have been besties ever since. That may change! J's cousin is Kate Miller Heidke, the singer that's around at the moment. Anyway needless to say when mum told Miss 16 what she had been told she is now furious with J and when mum spoke to C and asked for her side of the story she told mum roughly the same thing so it appears J may be covering his own butt! J's mum is pushing for Miss 16 to pay for damages to the hall as well but she is refusing saying if J had kept to the list there would not have been trouble as the party was peaceful up to that point. What I liked about Miss 16's guy R is that he gave Miss 16, C and her boyfriend a lecture about how stupid they were and how he knew the party would get out of control and in future they needed to be more careful about the kinds of parties they went to! Yes dad lol! He was very concerned about how things all panned out. It certainly changed my opinion in a small way.

Anyway Sunday then passed fairly uneventfully. I had a quiet day with mum and played with the puppies for a while. I was beginning to feel the effects of the flu as well and Monday I awoke feeling pretty crappy so called in sick. I slept till about lunch time and got out of bed feeling better. As MM was making me tea and toast (love that man!), Mr 20 yells out "Bye! I'm off to work!" Next thing I hear a loud bang! I looked out the window and there was Mr 20's car in pieces on the road! I yelled to MM "That's Mr 20!" MM heard as well and went tearing out the front. Mr 20 had gone to pull out of the driveway and seeing nothing coming reversed out then was collected by a ute coming up the hill which hit the tail end of Mr 20's car. He claimed he didn't see Mr 20 and Mr 20 is adamant he could see nothing coming. That part of the road is notorious anyway as there have been several accidents there over the years we have lived there. Poor Mr 20 was so upset. He has spent so much money on that car and it is a lovely's his pride and joy and looks like it will be written off now as the whole rear end has been torn off. He does have compulsory third party insurance which will cover the other driver but nothing for himself as being under 25 insurance is just too expensive. But at least no-one was hurt.

Wednesday night I met up with Miss 16 and mum after work at Roma Street station to take her to Southbank. This night there was an Open Night at the Southbank Institute of Technology which is where she wants to go next year to study photography and graphic art. Southbank is apparently the best place if she is not going into university. It's a very impressive place and seeing it all has motivated her even more. She now has to complete her QTAC application and submit a folio of her work which she pretty much has already organised. It's a 2 year diploma with an option of doing further study at university level. Her school is organising her work experience in photography for this term until the end of the year which will also look good on the QTAC application.

Now it's Friday and I am about to finish up at work and head home at last! Let's hope this weekend is nice and ordinary!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

This shoe ring holder and the little purple butterfly box is from my niece...the little box actually contains a sachet of lavender which is currently sitting on my computer desk and making hubby sneeze!

This is from Toni...Love the shoe!

The box from my MP3 player which my hubby mysteriously installed without my knoweldge!

This cute little ring holder and earring necklace tree was from my niece (you can't see the tree thing in this pic) but you can in the below pic

Flowers from my boss which look so much prettier than this photo shows

The gorgeous purple dragonfly mobile which is currently hanging from my computer monitor. A lovely gift from Shaz. Purple is my favourite colour! has been a while!

Hard to believe I haven't blogged since May! Well actually I did have a post in June...well I had it typed up at least and before I could submit, our computers at work decided to choose that precise moment to fall off the internet and I lost my post and I just could not be bothered re-typing it all as it is never the same!

Anyway I am here and thought I would blog my birthday as it was quite a special one and I had a really nice birthday this year. Photos are attached of all the lovely gifts I received. I am blessed with wonderful family and friends. Special mention to my hometown friends Toni and Sharlene who both sent me lovely gifts. Toni's came at a time when I was feeling really low and had had a bad week so to receive her gift just made my day! I love you guys and I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness! Another fellow blogger, Froggy and I reminisced about past birthdays and all the fun we all had in our day. Going to try and make reunion plans for maybe next birthday...I think Adelaide was touted as the venue lol...I so want it to happen so will be working on that one! A week with the girls just like old times sounds awesome!

My darling man gave me his gift a week early. I think he was worried he would forget so he made sure I got it early! But there is a story behind his gift. I park my car at the train station every day and last Friday I was running late for the train and he said he would drive me to the train station and I said no it was fine I'd be able to make it. He nonchalantly asks me if where I park my car will still have spaces available. So I say yes I park it on the paper mill side as always as there is usually still spots left as most people are too lazy to make the walk over the bridge to the train and it doesn't bother me. I thought no more of it.

The rest of the day for me was horrible. For some reason I was feeling really down, hating work, and thinking I needed to change my life as I hated my job, was tired of having to run around after everyone and also feeling really sad as Dad had been on my mind for the first time in 6 months and I had no idea why. I get to the car without even thinking, get in and immediately think "this is not my car". It looked different inside somehow. I get out, look my car over and think "This IS my car". I get back in and turn the key and sitting on the dash where my old car stereo was is a brand new MP3 player with all pretty blue lights etc. That's what was different about my car but because I wasn't thinking straight it didn't register straight away. So I turn on the ignition and there playing loudly on the stereo is my hubby and 2 of my kids singing happy birthday! Well I just burst into tears wondering how on earth they had managed this one and thinking how my day suddenly got better. Until I realised they had the happy birthdays on a loop and I had no idea how to turn it off or down or anything lol. At this point I am almost certain they are lurking in the bushes somewhere waiting for me but after a while of waiting I head off home with happy birthday still playing over and over...and over...By the time I was almost home I had started singing along with them lol. Apparently hubby wanted to have a recording saying "Don't move, I have a gun. Start the car and drive off slowly!" Lucky for me (or maybe him!) middle daughter told him that was mean and told him he couldn't do that. This was around the same time a car jacker was in the area and she was worried I might think it was him!

The Friday before my birthday was okay. My boss bought me flowers and we had a morning tea in my honour which was nice. One of my work colleagues took me to lunch and on Monday another colleague is taking me for drinks after work...our Cocktail Hour lol...we like to try new and exciting cocktails once a month and this month it is for my birthday.

Mum and my brother bought me a TomTom GPS system for my car as well which is awesome! Ken is my sexy voice who guides my way although I would prefer George Clooney but Ken is very good at giving directions! We went through the website and found voices to download at a price and hubby was ecstatic when we found some Star Wars voices and there a Yoda voice. Yoda is hubby's idol lol! Although following Yoda's directions would totally confuse me so I'm sticking to Ken for now.

Anyway I am about to post the pics of my prezzies and thank everyone for the birthday wishes. Doesn't seem like that long ago since our 21st and like I mentioned to Toni on my Facebook page I was watching my 21st video (now on DVD) with the kids and it really doesn't seem that long ago although the fashions and the hair were all very 80's!

They were the best of times and I really miss them!

Just remembered a couple more things that happened on Friday! Friday morning I usually nip into my favourite pattiesserie for either a hot choclate or a cappuchino. They make the BEST coffee and hot cho and the chef there makes all his own danishes and pastries so I usually get one of those as well...DIVINE! Anyway I get to work and notice a guy has got in the elevator before me and has left without waiting. So I wait for the next one as I'm in no real hurry to get to gets back to the ground floor and the guy is still there in the lift still looking a tad confused and he asks if I am going up. "Yes" I say and up we go but I notice he has pressed the Floor 3 button which doesn't actually go anywhere it stops at Level 2 before going back down to ground again. I look closer and it turns out is is "Lord Mayor Jim" lol...former Mayor of Brisbane Jim Soorley. He is looking flustered and tells me he has been in the elevator for 5 minutes trying to get to floor 3. Trying hard not to laugh I explain to him that to get to Floor 3 you have to use the second elevator. Even though THIS lift has a Level 3 button it only goes as far as Level 2. Don't ask me why. It just does. So he very grumpily gets out of the lift and heads to the one beside it to go up to Level 3. I had to laugh when he got out. I shouldn't because it happens to lots of people and it is really stupid having a separate lift for Level 3 but the people who own that part of the building didn't want us plebs soiling their plush carpet.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Trials and Tribulations of a Teenage Girl

Since my life is so boring these days I have decided to share a little of my darling niece's last week or so as she actually HAS a life lol.

I just got off the phone to a heartbroken Miss 16. She had just spent the most amazing weekend (she thought) in Byron Bay with her boyfriend and his father, future step mum and his fathers married friends. They left Friday after school and got home Sunday afternoon. I was over there when she got home and she spent over 2 hours telling us how much fun she had laughing about the weird "hippy" locals and some of their crazy antics and generally seemed to have a fab time. Her boyfriend was going to teach her to surf but there was no surf and it was just way too cold apparently. Today she tells me that they broke up last night a few hours after they got home. She is not sure why but by mutual agreement they agreed to be "just friends". Now this boyfriend apparently has done this to her before. Wanted a serious relationship with her, then backs off, they go out as friends and then suddenly he is wanting a serious relationship again. This time Miss 16 has told him no more. Now he asked her to go to Mooloolaba next weekend as his dad owns a sailboat! Like she said to me this guy is a loser lol. So hopefully she will cut her ties to this guy once and for all. I mean what is it with teenage boys??

She is also fighting with her lifelong friend who lives across the road. This friend's ex-boyfriend is Miss 16's closest friend and they have known each for years, years longer than the friend has. But now this friend is not talking to Miss 16 because she "dares" to be friends with her ex lol. This friend has also been bad mouthing her ex all over Facebook as she usually does when she dumps a boyfriend. So naturally enough these ex boyfriends all seem to go to Miss 16 and talk about their woes to her making her friend very cranky with her lol. Thank god I am not 16 anymore!

Mum also called me tonight to tell me it looks like she has a buyer for her house so now she is stressing! And what's worse she has decided she doesn't really want to sell after all! To be honest it would be nice if she didn't sell as we all love that house but realistically she really isn't able to stay because she is already suffering arthritis in the hips and knees and with all the stairs it will soon be unmanageable for her. So she does need something smaller and cheaper and just somewhere nice she can live out her days. I tell you, I hope someone runs me over before I get to 70! It all seems like way too much hard work!

As an aside, my flu is finally gone and I am feeling much better. Work is dead quiet and my life right now is dead boring! That is all...until next time!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Feeling *Bleah*

...So I'm back at work today...still feeling snuffly and chilled to the bone but not as bad as the last 2 days...But I love winter regardless just not when I am feeling *bleah*.

Don't think I have posted anything for the past couple of weeks. Like Sol, another Blogger, I keep telling myself to write stuff down each day so I can blog it later but then I forget and my blogs just become boring because I don't remember anything good that happens! Then after I have completed my blog for the week I remember lol. I don't even really have the imagination to make stuff up!

Anyway somewhere in that past couple of weeks was Mother's Day. I got pretty spoilt by the children in my life which nice. Even MM bought me a present...a new computer chair which is soooo much more comfortable than the old one and this one is more ergonomic so no more slouching and sore neck. On the Saturday before Mother's Day Mr 20 brought me home a huge bunch of flowers which cost him a small fortune (he had left the price tag on it!). I got it a day early as his mother wanted him to spend the day with her and he wanted to make sure he didn't miss me out. Sunday morning he brought me in the biggest box of choclates I have ever seen so I really was feeling quite special! Mother's Day morning we always spend with MM's mum and family. We generally go to one of the RSL clubs which always do a HUGE Mother's Day buffet for like $10 or $11 so we did that again this year. The Mother's always get a rose and a glass of champagne. Last year we got a really nice photo album courtesy of the Club. The breakfast are always really nice...lots of bacon, eggs, pancakes, danishes, sausages, toast, fruit and cereals, baked beans, scrambled eggs etc. Good value for money.

I rang my mum for Mother's Day and she invited me to go with her to a nursery up at Morayfield. They had a sale on terracotta pots so mum and I went for a drive and splurged on pots and plants. I had been after some really nice pots for my back deck and they had exactly what I wanted! And for a third of the usual price! So I was stoked. I bought some pots for mum as well for Mother's Day. I had already bought her a really fluffy dressing gown which was so soft and nice and she loved it as she didn't have one and my niece had bought her slippers which surprisingly was the exact colour of the dressing gown! How's that for luck?

We made plans to have a Mother's Day dinner with mum and the family. This was the first Mother's Day without Dad. Last year, as he did every year, he took us all out for dinner. He always spoiled mum on Mother's Day so I think she missed that but it was a really nice day. Miss 16 always buys me a Mother's Day gift as well as I am her Godmother and she always says I'm as good as her real mother anyway! She was so proud of herself as she went shopping for a gift by herself this year and used HER OWN MONEY lol. I got a box of choclates and a really cute moving sunflower with a cute happy was so sweet and sits on my computer at home. it works on light or solar power and it wiggles back and forth...kind of reminds me of "Pop Up Little Weed" for those of us old enough to remember "The Flowerpot Men"! I tried to explain the show to Miss 16 but all I got was one of those "you've got to be kidding lame!" looks that teenagers give!

Speaking of Miss 16...she now has her very first, SERIOUS, boyfriend. Now she has loads of male friends..more males than females in fact, but this one is THE ONE. She finally got the courage to confide in me about it and like a good aunty that I am gave her "THE TALK" about safe sex and being sure before doing anything that she wasn't sure about. I thought I would get another of THOSE LOOKS but surprisingly she was quite open about the whole and told me she wasn't sure she was ready for a sexual relationship and was happy that I understood as my mum would definately not understand! I told her that her grandmother was not quite as prudish as she thought and in fact mum and I had talked about it ourselves making sure she was on the pill as she was over 16 now and there was no way you could stop her doing it if that's what she really wanted. Anyway this guy is really nice...he is 17, his mum died a couple of years ago and he lives with his dad, his dad's girlfriend and his brother and sister. They are Canadian and he is super fit! Very into healthy living which is hilarious as the first time Miss 16 went to his place he had planned for them to go for a long walk and then for a jog around the park and Miss 16 just looked at mum and I when we dropped her off with wide eyes then look at him and said "We're doing what??". Mum and I giggled to ourselves and drove off leaving her to it. Miss 16 might be skinny as but she is definately not fit! Her idea of fun is sleeping till 1pm, getting someone to drive her to Maccas for lunch then coming home and vegging out in front of the TV! So we'll see how long this relationship lasts! Now I have been told that he wants her to spend Christmas with him in Canada as he is going home to visit family so she and mum are arguing about whether or not she can go. Ahh the life of teenagers...thank god all mine have grown up! I have been there and done that with all our three.

Which leaves me pondering our three kids. As you know I have Mr 20 at home with us doing quite well but with no signs of him EVER leaving the nest. Miss 21 comes and visits often and spends more time with us than she does at her mother's where she is living while her boyfriend is off in Dubai somewhere with the Air Force. She and her mother are constantly arguing and she says she hates it there but it's closer to the shops for her there than where we are so she won't move in with us either!

As for the oldest daughter, she is an enigma to us...we haven't seen or heard from her since Dad's funeral. It has been almost a year now. She has lost the plot completely and has told her father that she no longer wants to see or know him for whatever reason (well she does have HER reason even though its not a valid one). It hurts him and she still wants me to have coffee with her etc but I have told her that my loyalty lies with her dad and that we can't have a relationship behind his back and I won't do it. So I have also basically cut her from my life as well. She knows where we are and its sad as she was ALWAYS daddy's girl but since she has been with her boyfriend (who shall be known as Butthead) she has cut a lot of people out of her life. Butthead has always freaked me out from the time I met him and I know he is the reason behind all of this. Many times she has come crying because he slept with this friend or that friend and she is dunping him but then he smoozes his way back into her affections and she is lapping him up again. I know she WILL be hurt and she knows it too but she is drawn to him like a moth to a flame. The thing is Butthead has been a friend of the family since they were all small kids. His family and MM's family were neighbours so MM knows Butthead as a young kid and MM detested him even then. He was always an arrogant little so and so apparently and MM knows a LOT more about Butthead that even Miss 24 does and I think Butthead knows that which is why he keeps them separated. We have always known about his drug taking and Miss 24 told us about it but she swears she has never been involved in it. I hope for her sake she doesn't but time will tell I guess.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

50 Things to Do Before I am 50

Not a lot of time left I know lol...say around 6 years :) But here is the start of my list of things I want to achieve while I am still young enough to enjoy them...some things are very short term and can be done any time now but are things I keep on putting off...other things will require planning...but everything on this list is what I have wanted to do since forver but things and excuses hold me back...I will keep adding to this list as I think of things I want to do!

50 things to do before I am 50

1. Go to the Rocklea markets
2. Learn to play the guitar
3. Scuba dive at Lady Elliott
4. Publish my first fictional novel
5. Learn to paint
6. Finish at least ONE of my many unfinished craft projects
7. Scrapbook every single one of my photographs
8. Finish my dad’s book
9. Visit my long lost Montara cousins in New York/Philadelphia
10. Get married!
11. Study something I may never use but purely because I want to, for example literature or history
12. Clean and renovate every room in my house and declutter/downsize
13. Take up yoga
14. Save enough money to buy a block of land and build on it
15. Take my hubby overseas because he has never been
16. Travel around Australia or to at least a part of Australia that interests us because I have never been!
17. Go on a cruise
18. Stop being afraid of what other people think and JUST DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT just because you can
19. Read the entire “Lord of the Rings”
20. Learn to drive ANYWHERE in Brisbane without being freaked out! Includes driving to the south side of Brisbane! (See Visit Rocklea Markets!)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ho Hum..

Boring week...Absolutely NOTHING of note happened. That's been my life the past couple of weeks.

Monday and Tuesday of last week was work as usual. Just same old, same old...

Wednesday I was off work sick...had a really sore throat and thought I was about to come down with the flu but it miraculaously disappeared by Thursday which was just as well as I had Board meetings all day Thursday and even though I was still feeling a bit tired and flat, I was okay through it all even though the Board Meeting was boring as hell and because the Directors all kept jabbering away in all different directions, my Minutes look like crap and it's going to take me the rest of the week to make heads or tails of it! Our Board Meeting are ALWAYS confusing lately and my boss and I always leave them thinking "What the hell just happened in there??" Ah well it makes my month rather interesting lol.

Friday was bludge day in the office...I guess because we all knew it was going to be a long weekend and we just decided to make it a good one by not doing much work! Friday night I had a bit of a vent as my Facebook friends will know by my status that night about the rude young things at the train station on my train ride home. Waiting at Roma Street for my train home and I catch this train because it is a fresh empty train and at 5:00pm in the afternoon I can at least get a seat. Anyway a middle aged couple is standing on the platform and at this point in time they are the only ones there. I join them, standing beside them to wait. As we wait, more and more people join us so by the time the train arrives the rows of people is about 3 deep. From the back we can these 2 loud chicks (around 19/20ish years of age). One loud chick looks at all the people and says "Wow this train is gonna be full...wonder if we will get a seat" to which her loud chick friend replies "Yeah we will. I ALWAYS get a seat. Watch me".

Train pulls in and door stops right in front of me. I push the button to open the door and let the middle aged couple beside me in first as they were there before me and the train is empty so no problems getting a seat. From the back of the queue we hear loud chick 2 saying at the top of her voice "Coming through!" and she barges her way past all of us and jumps on ahead of myself and the middle aged couple. She then plonks her self on the "prized" seat and beckons her friend to "hurry up! Just push through!" Now I have to add that every person on that platform got a seat with plenty left over. Loud chicks spent the next couple of minutes crowing over their "win". The middle aged gent made reference to her extremely bad manners at which both loud chicks just giggled and laughed at him. They thought they were so hilarious. I am glad though they were not the norm. I have seen many youngsters get up out of their seats to offer them to older people so it's good to know that not ALL bad manners have died but these two took the cake. I'm sure their parents must be proud of them!

Saturday was a quiet day. I spent the day chatting with my dad's cousins in America. He has a Facebook account now so I spend most of time on there just chatting with him. He loves being able to catch up on news so quickly and both of us are researching our family tree so we swap about my dad and him about his dad. Our fathers were first cousins but they never knew about each other until I found them during my research. Sadly the cousin passed away before Dad got to know him. He never even knew he had a cousin in the States but we now keep in touch with his children and they are soooo excited to have Aussie relatives and to know they are not alone in the world!

Sunday I spent the day at mum's. We had intended to attend the Dawn Service but we ended up not going but I did go to mum's and we spent time talking about Dad and my niece Miss 16 wanted to know more about her grandad so we got out Dad's army photos and medals and told her what we knew which is not much really as he never talked much about it! But she was happy and it was a nice day. She has decided to paint a portrait of dad as she loves art and she wasn't aware how proud dad was of her artwork. Dad had told me that before he died and so I told her that and she was like "He said that?" I said he did indeed and suggested she paint him a portrait and that he would see it and know she did it. So she is now so excited about this new project. She gave up her artwork after dad died because dad was an artist before he lost his hand and she said he always gave her feedback on her work. With dad gone she lost interest but now I think she has her mojo back!

Monday was a slack day. We were lazy. I did some housework then my brother came over for the day so we just drank lots of coffee, pigged out on cake and left over anzac day biscuits and just chatted. We all went to Macca's for lunch, watched some of the TV shows MM downloads for our viewing then my brother left around 9:30pm that night. We went to bed early as I had work next day and quite frankly I was beat!

I got onto Facebook that night and chatted with MM's ex-sister-in-law. Their family was heading off on another cruise the next day and she was having trouble getting her 5 kids to sleep as they were all excited to be going! By this stage I was having holiday envy and wishing it was me! This is their second cruise in 12 months but this one was more special as just after Christmas MM's ex-inlaws separated and were heading for divorce but they ended up in counselling and the good news is they are back together! The cruise is I guess a way of bringing the family back together. They have 5 kids aged 15 to 5 so their life is busy! MM and I have decided we will go on a cruise. If I ever get my liver biopsy done that is!

It's been put off again until May now and I really am getting sick of being jacked around. I want it done and over with. My specialist wants me to have a mammogram done too as I have never done one so he thinks it is important to get it done so I will book that in as well. June I have more blood tests to be done and another specialist visit and he wants me to do the blood tests a week before I go in to him. So I am planning my holiday for Sept/Oct. MM has suggested we get our passports done now so that way we have no excuses not to go. We want to do the Pacific Islands cruise (Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu) but any of the cruises on the Pacific Jewel which is the newest ship would be nice. It leaves from Sydney though so we will spend a couple of days with friends there first then go on the cruise. Fingers crossed! Then I need to get my hair and nails done and the clothes shopping etc lol. MM just rolls his eyes...he owns about 3 T-shirts, 3 shorts and a pair of thongs and thinks thats all he needs lol. I told him he also has to wear underwear but he complains he shouldn't have to if he is on holiday! MEN!! Will be nice for us to finally have a REAL holiday...just the two of us...our first without the kids ever in the 12 years we have been together! Ahhhh....