Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ho Hum..

Boring week...Absolutely NOTHING of note happened. That's been my life the past couple of weeks.

Monday and Tuesday of last week was work as usual. Just same old, same old...

Wednesday I was off work sick...had a really sore throat and thought I was about to come down with the flu but it miraculaously disappeared by Thursday which was just as well as I had Board meetings all day Thursday and even though I was still feeling a bit tired and flat, I was okay through it all even though the Board Meeting was boring as hell and because the Directors all kept jabbering away in all different directions, my Minutes look like crap and it's going to take me the rest of the week to make heads or tails of it! Our Board Meeting are ALWAYS confusing lately and my boss and I always leave them thinking "What the hell just happened in there??" Ah well it makes my month rather interesting lol.

Friday was bludge day in the office...I guess because we all knew it was going to be a long weekend and we just decided to make it a good one by not doing much work! Friday night I had a bit of a vent as my Facebook friends will know by my status that night about the rude young things at the train station on my train ride home. Waiting at Roma Street for my train home and I catch this train because it is a fresh empty train and at 5:00pm in the afternoon I can at least get a seat. Anyway a middle aged couple is standing on the platform and at this point in time they are the only ones there. I join them, standing beside them to wait. As we wait, more and more people join us so by the time the train arrives the rows of people is about 3 deep. From the back we can these 2 loud chicks (around 19/20ish years of age). One loud chick looks at all the people and says "Wow this train is gonna be full...wonder if we will get a seat" to which her loud chick friend replies "Yeah we will. I ALWAYS get a seat. Watch me".

Train pulls in and door stops right in front of me. I push the button to open the door and let the middle aged couple beside me in first as they were there before me and the train is empty so no problems getting a seat. From the back of the queue we hear loud chick 2 saying at the top of her voice "Coming through!" and she barges her way past all of us and jumps on ahead of myself and the middle aged couple. She then plonks her self on the "prized" seat and beckons her friend to "hurry up! Just push through!" Now I have to add that every person on that platform got a seat with plenty left over. Loud chicks spent the next couple of minutes crowing over their "win". The middle aged gent made reference to her extremely bad manners at which both loud chicks just giggled and laughed at him. They thought they were so hilarious. I am glad though they were not the norm. I have seen many youngsters get up out of their seats to offer them to older people so it's good to know that not ALL bad manners have died but these two took the cake. I'm sure their parents must be proud of them!

Saturday was a quiet day. I spent the day chatting with my dad's cousins in America. He has a Facebook account now so I spend most of time on there just chatting with him. He loves being able to catch up on news so quickly and both of us are researching our family tree so we swap stories...me about my dad and him about his dad. Our fathers were first cousins but they never knew about each other until I found them during my research. Sadly the cousin passed away before Dad got to know him. He never even knew he had a cousin in the States but we now keep in touch with his children and they are soooo excited to have Aussie relatives and to know they are not alone in the world!

Sunday I spent the day at mum's. We had intended to attend the Dawn Service but we ended up not going but I did go to mum's and we spent time talking about Dad and my niece Miss 16 wanted to know more about her grandad so we got out Dad's army photos and medals and told her what we knew which is not much really as he never talked much about it! But she was happy and it was a nice day. She has decided to paint a portrait of dad as she loves art and she wasn't aware how proud dad was of her artwork. Dad had told me that before he died and so I told her that and she was like "He said that?" I said he did indeed and suggested she paint him a portrait and that he would see it and know she did it. So she is now so excited about this new project. She gave up her artwork after dad died because dad was an artist before he lost his hand and she said he always gave her feedback on her work. With dad gone she lost interest but now I think she has her mojo back!

Monday was a slack day. We were lazy. I did some housework then my brother came over for the day so we just drank lots of coffee, pigged out on cake and left over anzac day biscuits and just chatted. We all went to Macca's for lunch, watched some of the TV shows MM downloads for our viewing then my brother left around 9:30pm that night. We went to bed early as I had work next day and quite frankly I was beat!

I got onto Facebook that night and chatted with MM's ex-sister-in-law. Their family was heading off on another cruise the next day and she was having trouble getting her 5 kids to sleep as they were all excited to be going! By this stage I was having holiday envy and wishing it was me! This is their second cruise in 12 months but this one was more special as just after Christmas MM's ex-inlaws separated and were heading for divorce but they ended up in counselling and the good news is they are back together! The cruise is I guess a way of bringing the family back together. They have 5 kids aged 15 to 5 so their life is busy! MM and I have decided we will go on a cruise. If I ever get my liver biopsy done that is!

It's been put off again until May now and I really am getting sick of being jacked around. I want it done and over with. My specialist wants me to have a mammogram done too as I have never done one so he thinks it is important to get it done so I will book that in as well. June I have more blood tests to be done and another specialist visit and he wants me to do the blood tests a week before I go in to him. So I am planning my holiday for Sept/Oct. MM has suggested we get our passports done now so that way we have no excuses not to go. We want to do the Pacific Islands cruise (Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu) but any of the cruises on the Pacific Jewel which is the newest ship would be nice. It leaves from Sydney though so we will spend a couple of days with friends there first then go on the cruise. Fingers crossed! Then I need to get my hair and nails done and the clothes shopping etc lol. MM just rolls his eyes...he owns about 3 T-shirts, 3 shorts and a pair of thongs and thinks thats all he needs lol. I told him he also has to wear underwear but he complains he shouldn't have to if he is on holiday! MEN!! Will be nice for us to finally have a REAL holiday...just the two of us...our first without the kids ever in the 12 years we have been together! Ahhhh....


Colleen Barnett said...

Yes, get that passport! No excuses then.

Seen those horrid girls again lately?

Good that your niece is painting again. She needs to have some outlet.

I look forward to seeing some of her work!

*comen* comen, then, get some pics up :-)

Butterfly Kissez said...

Lol I tried to find them this afternoon to get some pay back...but no sign of them...I wore my high heel boots and everything...was gonna accidentally step on some toes =P

Anonymous said...

You should have tripped the cows up as they ran in front of you to get on the train! Trust the Queensland health system to stuff you around again. That's good to hear you are finally going on a decent holiday. Buy MM some new jox! We are scamming another cruise for late next year. Can't wait to see the portrait of your Dad, it will be a wonderful tribute to him. love Shaz (haven't made the frangelico cheesecake yet, might have to leave it till xmas when we eat the other naughty stuff cos we are both on diets now!)

SOL's view said...

Oh yes. Men!

I'm with Froggy - get that passport and get going! :)

I hate minuting meetings. They are sooo confusing when everyone rushes in to yap at the same time and all going different directions. Then it does take days to make sense of it! And by the time you get to that bit, you've forgotten what the whole context of the arguement/discussion was.

Or is that just me??

Butterfly Kissez said...

Nope that is definately me too Leanne...what's funny is I could write any old thing and next meeting they will all agree that was correct lol!

Anonymous said...

So if you think you can get away with writing any old thing during the meeting minutes, then write in that the bigwigs agreed to give you a huge payrise and see if they remember that!