Monday, April 5, 2010

Quiet on if you dare....

So the rest of my week was rather quiet and non-eventful. Could NOT wait for the 4-day weekend. I really seemed to need and I decided to not make any plans and just roll with the flow. Which worked out well. Decided to just have a really lazy 4-day break and if the housework didn't get done or attention paid to the men folk in the house then that was just too was my holiday and I was gonna live it! MM is always sweet in that respect. he hates me to spend my weekends doing housework. He always says "Housework be damned - you worked all week...just relax!" Hard to do when there's a week's worth of washing to do (which between 3 of us really isn't that much thankfully!), grocery shopping to be done and other little things around the house that need attention but tend to get missed anyway. So yes the Easter break was exactly that...a break.

I had a good book that I was finding hard to put down so I started reading that on Thursday night. Then I got a text message from Miss 16 complaining that she was going to a party on Friday night with her BFF from across the road and her BFF's mum had decided she couldn't pick them up from the party after all. It was supposed to be a sleep over anyway but the BFF had to work on Saturday morning so wanted to be home on Friday night and she wanted Miss 16 to come home as well. Mum didn't want to go out late at night to pick them up as her eyesight is not the best at night time and I would prefer she didn't go out on her own at night time anyway. So I offered to pick her up as the party wasn't far from my house. Problem solved! Mum was happy with the plan and Miss 16 was ecstatic as it meant she could now go to the party and all was well with the Teen world again.

While we were organising these plans mum received a phone call from the daughter of Dad's youngest sister to say that her mum was very ill and is now in a nursing home and didn't think she was going to last much longer. This was really sad news for us as the last time we saw her was at Dad's funeral and she did look very frail then. We suspected even then that she wasn't long for this world. The middle sister had already passed away about 6 or 7 years ago from a brain tumour so my aunt is the only one left of dad's family apart from all the cousins etc. She idolised my dad as he was the big brother and they used to hang out a lot together in their younger days and give their other sister merry hell, much like my little brother and I do to our middle sister. She always used to beg Dad to not die before she did as she didn't want to be alone. She apparently now has demntia as well and doesn't recognise anyone and because she has to be on dialysis regularly the doctors want to stop it so she can let nature run its course but now she keeps saying she doesn't want to die and her only daughter is at her wits end and hoping for a quick passing for her poor mum. So I guess it is only a matter of time.

Friday was just a lazy day for me. My brother came over for the day so we jusr sat around chatting then went to Macca's for lunch with me and MM so it was a really nice day. My brother was still at our house when it came time to pick up Miss 16 from her party so we went together and watched her outside with her "boyfriend" who she hugged goodbye to. They looked very familiar to us but she insists that Liam is "only a friend". Obviously a VERY close friend. So we dropped Miss 16 and her best friend off home then back to my house again for a couple more hours before my brother decided to make his way home again.

Saturday was another bludge day for me. Did some scrapbooking, cleaned my craft room a little, read some more, watched a couple of movies and just veged out pretty much. Rang mum that night to make arrangements to go to the Farmer's Market on the next day (Easter Sunday) and were going to be leaving really early - like around 5:15am!

Sunday morning (Easter Sunday) came and at 4:17am on the dot MM woke me up to get ready to go to the markets. I am NEVER up at this time so it was a challenge to wake up, shower, take my medication and be on the way to mum's. I did it with heaps of time to spare so by 5:00am mum and I were in the car and on the way to Mitchelton to visit the markets. It was the first time we had been to this one and if you are a foodie you will love it! So much food to sample and buy. Mum bought some fresh sunflowers to put in the house as the real estate is coming next week to take photos of the house to advertise. I bought loads of fruit and vege most of which is already eaten! The fruit was beautiful. We sampled fruit, BBQ'd sausages and other meats, pastries from Hungary and Denmark and Sweden, plus lots of different cheeses and wines and even liquorice! It was a real multicultural haven of foods with aromas to whet the taste buds. By the time we had done the rounds of all the produce stalls etc we were full up! It was quite a breakfast! After that we had a coffee at one of the coffee places that was opened for that day so it was nice to sit afterward and just reflect. We were home by 8:00am just as Miss 16 was getting up out of bed then mum gave her easter eggs and choccies etc. The only choclate I get at easter is the choccie mum gives us or else I have to buy it myself. Oh yeah at the markets there was a cute little shop that does doggy treats...little cupcakes and cute biscuits and melting moments for puppies. So mum bought 2 little cupcakes and 2 lollie pops which was just a biscuit on the end of a pork skin stick so the dogs could eat the whole thing. That was their easter gift lol. We gave them the cupcakes when they got home which they sat and daintily chewed on. They are such little ladies. The rest of the day I chilled out again. I had bought some cheese stick bread from the market so I went home and MM and I had that for lunch along with a choclate croissant that also came from the market. Then we ate a bunch of fruit and sat and watched more movies.

Monday was the same. More fruit eaten, movies watched and I caught up on some housework. All in all a boring, quiet weekend. One of these weekends we will go away but for the moment we are content to sit and home and just enjoy what we have now.


Anonymous said...

Not a boring weekend at all! Life's too short to do housework! You achieved want you wanted to do and that was nothing so it was a nice peaceful (food-filled!) break. We only went to the harbour festival for about half an hour over the week it was on and went to markets at 1770 on sunday and lunch at Bajool saturday. Have fun back at work! I don't go back till next monday! love Shaz.

SOL's view said...

I love lazy weekends! I have one EVERY weekend. Sometimes the bug bites and I do stuff. But not always! :)

If you are ever in the city on a Wednesday, there is a farmer's market in the square at the top of the mall. Some lovely stuff there too!

Colleen Barnett said...

your weekend sounds like heaven, you lucky duck. I am looking forward to Anzac weekend, cause GUESS WHAT! We are NOT going away! yay!

You know, if you do what I do and do a load of laundry every day, it doesn't pile up and you don't spend all weekend washing. Just the ironing (although that's mainly pillowcases and such) and floors in my house. Oh, and the bathroom when I do it!

Sounds like a great weekend.

(and I wonder why SOL has commented on your blog and not mine!)

*offira* Offira tree, what sort would I be?