Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thank you....

Thank you to those who commented on this week's blog about Miss 16. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about Miss 16. She is a beautiful kid but like all kids her age she is very self centred at the moment and it's all about her. She is not unique in that way and having talked to other mums of teens her age its not an unusual thing for teens to have pigsty rooms, bad attitudes and near violent tendencies. Like fellow blogger Froggy, mum has put her foot down over the room in that no-one id allowed over unless the room is spotless and she can't stay over anyone's place for the same reason. I think also she was right in saying the whole family needs to attend counselling together because there is a distinct lack of communication there. My family, although close in some ways, has always had an issue with communicating with each other. It's not all Miss 16's fault as mum can also be a bit in your face and would rather nag you to death than accept that you just need 5 more minutes to finish what you are doing and then you will help. Mum also uses Miss 16 as a mini slave and gets Miss 16 to fetch stuff for her all the time which can be frustrating. I know...I suffered through mum's nagging as a teen as well. So yes there is fault on both sides but at the same time Miss 16 needs to respect her elders. Mum has spoilt her from the time Miss 16 was born and we all foresaw the problems that would eventuate in having mum do everything for her. So really mum has made the rod for her own back. Anyway I will suggest the counselling thing for the both of them and see what eventuates. Miss 16 does love her grandmother dearly, so much so that her mother wanted her to move in with her and Miss 16 has refused saying she will never leave Grandma. She will stay for as long as my mum needs her.

Anyway enough of that.

I had my doctors appointment on Tuesday (yesterday) and got the results of my last blood test back. My cholesterol is still extremely high but the good news is it is mostly good cholesterol and a small amount of bad cholesterol so the chance of me suffering cardiac arrest or stroke is minimal. The bad cholesterol is still not good but I am told its because of my underactive thyroid and so I have to double my intake of Thyroxine every day to see if that makes a difference. Plus I am still on Questran which also helps with lowering cholesterol but now the doctor is not so concerned that I will drop dead some time soon! Good to know!


Anonymous said...

Your cholesterol is probably high from those Krispy Kreme donuts! love shaz.(me very glad I didn't have kids!)

Butterfly Kissez said...

Lol I haven't had a donut since before Christmas *sigh* But maybe I should get some as an Easter treat...the weight is still falling off me and now I just look scrawny...I want my fat back!!

Colleen Barnett said...

I wish my weight would fall off instead of bring friends over for sleepovers! These uninvited guests won't leave!

good luck with Miss 16. I am happy to have helped somewhat. You know, even just having had that one session has helped. We had a huge fight last week, and very soon after Dobby came in and apologised, recognising she just got angry and couldn't control it. So it's all good.

*dingrach*... um, sounds like something medical...