Sunday, March 21, 2010

I think it's time we ordered our Super Hero capes!!

It seems like this past week we have done a couple of good deeds so does this give us super hero status??

Monday afternoon while I was out shopping (I ALWAYS miss the good stuff!!) there was a three car pile-up right outside our house. I was driving home up our street and all I could see were flashing lights, loads of people on both sides of the street and tow trucks galore! I’m like “What the?” As I pulled into our driveway I could see MM standing on our footpath talking to a policeman. He apparently saw it all as it happened as he was outside having a smoke and saw the whole thing. He is also a qualified first aider so was helping people as well. Our street in the past couple of years has become a main thoroughfare and since the start of the quarry nearby, heavy trucks now rat race through our street to get to the quarry which causes chaos during the day and the truckies fair hurtle down the street which is just a straight strip all the way down. Next door to our house is a small street and what had happened was a car was stopped to turn into the street and a truck flying down the road was going way too fast to stop so careered straight into the back of the little red car which in turn hit a little white car coming the other way before continuing on into the fence of the house on the corner and taking out their front garden and stopping just inches from the front door. It must have made the news on the radio as my brother and mother both rang later on to make sure it wasn’t any of us because all they heard was the name of our street. A couple of people needed ambulance assistance but nothing too major thank goodness! This is the second such accident in the past 6 months. Last time it was a car running over a guy on a motor bike and I ended up having to comfort the kids in the car who were all upset and in shock.

Tuesday night I get home from work and MM and Mr 20 are in the front yard with a pair of binoculars. “Hmmm” I think..they best not be checking out any nude bathers at the lake. *Lol* Turns out there is a very sick koala in the tree beside our house. We live beside a large expanse of bush and then further on is Lake Kurwongbah. The bush here is home to many koalas and this is not the first time we have noticed a sick koala. The last wildlife people we got out to help told us the signs to look out for and so we check the bush on a regular basis. We hear the koalas before we see them so we know when they are around. Anyway, MM spots the sick koala who he notices through the binoculars has what they call “Dirty Tail” where there is an accumulation of a dark smelly mass of fur at its bottom. This is usually a sign of cystitis which is apparently quite deadly for a koala. A husband and wife team came out to capture the koala and they were a lovely couple. I spoke to the lady for a bit and she explained to me more about the disease and how if the koala (it turns out to be a very young female) doesn’t respond to medication she may be euthanased as it is a very painful disease. She also had spots on her nose where there were old wounds and that can also become infected. Then she asked me to name the koala so she can be tagged and chipped. I thought that was cool lol. The only name I could come up with at short notice was Kirra and then she said “Well if that name is taken I will name her after you” so she took my name lol. Sorry Miss Koala =) Anyway the next door they rang to say Kirra (as she is now officially named and registered as ) is doing very well although severely dehydrated. She is now in the 60 to 90 day treatment program and will be placed back here when she is better. So that’s really awesome news!

The rest of the week was rather uneventful except for the huge rail drama on Friday. There was a freight train or something derailed up our way which meant train services for the day went completely haywire. This usually means trains are running late all day which means extra overcrowding on the trains as the trains struggle to ferry everybody to the city albeit several hours late for many people and people being crammed into every inch of space. Logic pretty much flys out the window at times like this. Even though the train is obviously extremely crowded there is always someone who will insist on pushing him/herself onto the train when there is already people crowded in the doorway and then yells at people to move down. “Where to??” is the usual sarcastic and impatient cry from the already frustrated and suffocated commuters who have already been standing through several stations. I’m lucky as all the trains start at my stop so I always get a seat but I tend to feel guilty as I watch others stand and even if I wanted to give my seat to someone more deserving it’s impossible to even move from the seat due to the crowding. So it’s pretty much a grin and bear it kind of trip. I figured by the time I went home that afternoon the trains would be back to normal but sadly no. Seems they were still trying to clean up the mess. Oh well next week is another day.

Well that is my week that was. For my Central Queensland friends I hope you all stay safe with the cyclone hovering around up there. Thinking of you all and here’s hoping nothing comes of it.


Anonymous said...

Contrary to stupid dramatic media reports, absolutely nothing cyclonic happened in Happyrock.Just a bit of wind and a litle bit of rain so far. Good on you "Koala Kid" for looking after your cuddly neighbours! That is a beautiful photo of Sasha with the flower! Sounds like that won't be the last accident in your street with trucks around. Be careful! love shaz

Colleen Barnett said...

And you thought you had nothing to blog about *shakes head*. Your life is sooo exciting!

Love the photos of the puppies too. Aren't they little devils in disguise!

*sending hugs to Kirra*
