Monday, May 16, 2011

Terrible Tuesday...

Tuesday...another work day for me. You are probably wondering why I am suddenly in the blogging mood? Because work is soooo quiet and I am soooo bored! So I resort to blogging just to fill in the hours between coming to work and going home again.

This morning's train trip was a lesson in patience. The train was broken...again...the third time this last week or so. Today it was the train door in the carriage I was on. It just didn't want to close so we had to sit at each station for five minutes waiting for the door to automatically shut. About half an hour in, some bright spark at Queensland Rail decided to lock the door, rendering it useless and thus we were happily sailing off to the city again. BUT because the train was now considered broken it would finish it's journey one stop before mine...AGAIN! So at Roma Street station our train terminated and those of us wanting to get the one station beyond that were forced to wait on an icy, wind blown platform waiting for the next train which *Surprise Surprise* was going to be delayed a further 20 minutes because one of the signals decided it was too cold to come to work today and closed itself down bringing all the trains into and leaving Roma Street station to a dead stop. *sigh* So this meant I was an hour late to work...AGAIN! There is a few of us in our office who catch the same train so at least the boss knows it is just not me! The lady who had been sitting next to me on the train was in a highly distressed state. She had never caught the train before and was going to be severely late for a very important appointment. I felt so sorry for the poor thing. We chatted for a bit and I reassured her this happened at least 2 or 3 times a week and she was shocked! It's a way of life in Brisbane really. And really any boss in Brisbane who fires an employee because they got stuck on a train is a "bum" to paraphrase Bob Hawke!

Anyway I got to finish my book while waiting to get to work. This got the lady beside me fascinating over my Kindle so we talked about that for a bit and I told her where I got mine and how cheap they are currently so I think I convinced her she needed one especially if she was going to be a regular train traveller!

I have been reading all of Charlaine Harris's books which I downloaded for the KIndle. She wrote the True Blood series about the vampires which became a TV show. The books are better than the series but its kind of weird because I saw the first 3 seasons of the series first before reading the book and the books are rather different. The main characters are the same but the TV show took a lot of poetic licence with the book and the story lines are really different. Frankly the book's storylines were so much better than the TV show.

Her new book series is called the "Real Murders Series" and is the one I am reading now. The main character is named Aurora Teagarden and it's kind of one of those corny kind of mystery stories where the main character lives in a small southern US state, she's a boring librarian with no life, no man and a member of the "Real Murders" club where they all sit around trying to solve old unsolved murder mysteries and read murder books etc. Suddenly all the members of this club start getting murdered and the main character gets caught up in it. I am now up to Book 6 and for such a small town, there are an awful lot of murders and all of them just happen to take place in the character's back yard so to speak! Very corny but entertaining reading especially on a long train trip!

Well time for me to head off and catch a train. Got to head to the shops on the way and get some supplies. Thinking about making my very own soup for dinner...what sort I haven't decided yet. It's the night for comfort food!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Well actually this morning was bright and sunny although extremely cold and when the alarm went off at 5:30am this morning all I wanted to do was curl into a tighter ball and stay warm! But is a work day for me and after spending about 15 minutes thinking of excuses NOT to get up I crawled out of bed. One stupid thing I do is shower in the mornings before I go anywhere. Madness in winter I tell you! When we refit the bathroom I am DEFINATELY getting one of those room heaters for in there. Getting out of a warm shower into the cold air in all your naked glory is definately no fun at all!! Today was no better.

I actually dove out of the shower, dried myself in record time then leapt back into my still warm bed for a couple of minutes just to get some feeling back into my body! Brrrrrr...and I can tell it's not getting better any time soon! By the time I dressed and had breakfast though I was feeling good again and even though I wore my heavy jacket to work (because those train platforms are icy pits of hell in winter!!) by the time I bought my daily coffee and got into the office I was very warm for the rest of the day and so the jacket came off until it was time to go home again in the afternoon.

Work was quiet today. No staff meeting which was good as our Monday mornings are a snooze fest and our time could be more productive without them in my opinion. Today I had a lunch date with a dear friend who I told you about last blog. It was awesome to catch up with her and we had so much to talk hour for lunch just wasn't enough but we are now committed to lunching more regularly and hopefully now we are practically neighbours, we can visit a bit more. I have really missed our talks and we have always been very supportive of each other. She has also been through a tumultuous couple of years so it was nice to talk about our problems with each other and offer each other advice which I have really missed.

Now it is almost home time and of course, after the nice sunny day we have had all day it has started to rain which means going home tonight on the train is going to cold, wet and miserable! *Sigh*

Building Bridges.... my theme for this week. I don't know if it is because I am getting older or what but I have suddenly decided that life is too short for petty grievances and all the silly things that people get their knickers in a twist over. Of course there are some not-so-silly things that upset people and I have a couple of those but I am willing to live and let live and it's time some people get off their high horse and learn to forgive.

I guess I got to thinking about it all last week when I was feeling very down and thinking way too much. It's always a bad thing when I think too much. I am a very sensitive type person and I tend to think about regrets, and trust me I have had a few! The majority of the regrets are things that were my fault. I am big enough a person to own these things and to acknowledge that I brought some things on myself. I have spent my life trying to be a good person, or at least the best person I can be. Sometimes situations arise where I am not a nice person but that is something I have learnt to live with. It's not a deliberate thing and hey...who's perfect eh? Anyone who says they are is a liar in my book.

Anyway...Bridge No. 1. Last week I made contact with a dear friend who I haven't had much contact with in close to 6 years. We worked together in our last job and became very close friends. When Andrea and her boyfriend moved into a house near ours, MM and I made up a huge grocery basket of goodies for them and the kids because they were struggling and doing it pretty tough. We all got on great. Her kids were the greatest and well Andrea and I were like soul mates. We both had to endure the office bitches at our old job who were making life hell for a lot of the staff and Andrea and I were the only two who stood up to them and well, they made our life even more hell until both Andrea and I quit our jobs and got the jobs we have now. Needless to say those two old OB's are still miserable where they are and Andrea and I have moved on from strength to strength. Andrea was there for me knowing how much I wanted to have kids but couldn't and just helped me through a lot of personal stuff.

Then one day we just stopped talking to each other. For no real reason except our lives both went for a turn in a different direction. Andrea and her boyfriend split. Then one day out of the blue she announced she found someone new and was pregnant. It shocked me beacuase she always swore she would never have more kids and it was one of the reasons she and the old boyfriend split because he wanted kids (he had none) and she didn't want more. So I think, if I was honest with myself, I distanced myself from her because she was having the very thing I really wanted at the time. A baby. Definately not her fault but not something I could deal with at the time. So I kept making excuses and we just eventually went our separate ways. She found me on Facebook eventually and we started chatting again until last week I decided enough was enough. I had to make amends and it turned out that for the last 6 years we have been working in the same street and never knew it! How we never ran into each other I'll never know. But tomorrow (Monday), I have arranged for us to have lunch together and finally catch up. A few weeks ago she and her now husband moved 2 streets away from us as well which I never knew but it explains the car that always beeped when it drove past! So hopefully we can get this friendship back on track. I'm not proud of myself for being that way with her and I even admitted to her that was the reason I stopped seeing her. But the loyal friend that she is actually blamed herself! She said she had a feeling when she told me she was pregnant that she could have done it in a better way because she realised it would hurt me. And she never held it against me. She always knew when I was ready we would talk again. And I am glad that I did it! So the lesson here is that a true friend will take the good with the bad and they never give up on each other.

Bridge No. 2 - Eldest stepdaughter. Now I know I have told you about how MM had cut daughter No.1 from his life and we just found out she just got engaged to the Dick from Hell who is currently working in Darwin for the next 6 months leaving Daughter 1 at home by herself. I haven't told my MM yet but I decided to message her on Facebook just to congratulate her on her engagement because to be honest I am tired of the two of them being so stubborn. There is a lot of anger and hate there still although MM occasionally will reminisce about this daughter as she was always daddy's girl and he will pop up with a story about the two of them when she was smaller. I thought she would ignore me because I removed her from my friends list 2 years ago after Dad's funeral because she got drunk just after it and was sprouting all kinds of rubbish on Facebook and I had to remove her from mum's Facebook account as well because poor mum definately didn't need to hear the crap she was going on with. At the time I wrote her a nasty message in her inbox telling her to get over herself and to leave us alone etc. And that was the last we heard from her.

To my surprise I got a nice message back a couple of days ago and we chatted again about the last two years. She refuses to talk about her father and when ever I try to bring him into a conversation she changes the subject. She is aware I cannot stand Freak Boy. In fact none of MM's family like him at all because he is sullen and just won't speak. She can do so much better than him. But that's her problem. I'm hoping, once I tell MM, that I can organise a coffee date or something like we used to in the old days. She is so much like her mother...she loves playing the part of the victim and I wish she could see past all that and realise what she would miss if her dad was to be no longer around.

Anyway that's my week thus far in a nutshell. The weekend I spent cleaning out the office and filing (yuk!) and I have a desk again! Yay! Now the accountant will have some spare space to work on when she comes in this week to do the BAS for MM. She wants to retire some time soon and she will be teaching me how to use MYOB and do the BAS each quarter. It's not hard as I have done it before but it's been a while!

Anyway everyone have a great week! Sorry for the yawn fest but there is just not much excitement in this here neck of the woods!

Happy Birthday Shaz!!

Happy Birthday to a Dear Friend who had a birthday yesterday (Sunday). I know she reads this page so I just wanted to let her know I was thinking of her. Good friends are hard to find and we have been friends now for 30 years! Yes the time has sure flown by!

Happy Birthday Shaz! Hope you had the best day ever!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Slow Week...

You would think, wouldn't you, that now I have all this spare time on my hands, my days should be action packed and filled to the brim with lots of lovely, exciting things that I have done! Right? But's been slow. But don't get me wrong. I am absolutely LOVING having days off. I am in a happier frame of mind these days and not feeling quite so stressed about all the things I had planned to do but not done yet.

Although this week was different. I wasn't all...and I have no idea why. I was in an argumentative mood with MM all week so because I was being snippy with him, he was being snippy with me, which made me feel unloved and unappreciated and feeling even more angry with everyone and wondering what the heck was going on. And it wasn't even THAT time of the month! I figure it might be a weather change thing because I know of a couple other girl friends who have been feeling exactly the same so maybe that's it. My mood swings went from being extremely pissed off to being really down in the dumps and crying at the drop of a hat to just giggling at random silly things. I'm sure MM was secretly planning to having me committed at one stage!

Anyway, Tuesday night was the turning point. We both seemed to mellow. We cooked dinner together (which is something we normally do anyway) but I had decided to do Dad's chicken chow mein which has been a long time favourite of mine since childhood and was my dad's specialty. So as we chopped and stirred and tasted together we talked about Dad, we talked abouth the future now the house is paid off and we had just such a nioe time. Once Mr 21 got home from work we served it up and being a cold night it was the perfect meal. This meal has always been a comfort meal for me and because it warms you from the inside it makes you feel good. So the three of us chatted happily around dinner, MM teasing Mr 21 as per usual and just generally having some good laughs.

After dinner we cleaned up then MM and I veged out to watch some of the TV shows MM downloads. We don't watch TV at all much because there is usually nothing on we like. MM downloads a lot of new TV shows from the States that generally don't get aired here or don't air until about a year after the States! We have always both enjoyed watching Survivor and Amazing Race because well, they are funny and we pick our favourites, cheer the ones we love and boo the ones we hate lol. Then we will both try and pick holes out of the strategies of the teams who play. It's pretty much as much a game for us as it is for the contestants! There's a few other shows that have yet to air in Australia that we enjoy watching.

After we got tired of TV we both sat on the computer watching old video clips of our favourite artists on You Tube. Wow talk about going down memory lane! MM and I share the same taste in music so we found our favourites and sang along and even slow danced at one point to our favourite Dr Hook song "Years from now" which MM had played for me when we first met. So yeah we shared some more nice memories until it was time for bed and then...well some things need to stay sacred!

So that was my week and my weird mood was over! Just like that...

Mother's Day was the only other event this week worth mentioning. We did the Mother's Day breakfast at our local sports club with my mum and MM's Mum and all the family. It's a buffet breakfast for $11 and really good value and so much to eat! It usually does all of us until dinner time! My kids bought me the flannellette PJ's I wanted...purple with pink and blue butterflies, and a soft fluffy purple dressing gown, and so nice to wear! The nights are cooler here now so I can now lounge around and be warm! I love it!

Tomorrow (Friday) is my day off and no plans as yet although I do want to catch up on some craft stuff. I'll let you know next blog what I end up doing! Ciao for now!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Another quiet week...

It seems I have hardly been at work for the past two weeks! I finally went back today. The days I am meant to be working have all fallen on public holidays so I seemed to have worked that out well! Last week I only had one day in the office and this week I only have today and Thursday! Almost feels like being on permanent holiday! Plus I get paid for them!

At home I have really just been spending all my time cleaning through the house and gathering up unwanted items to put on our garage sale which is going to have to happen real soon as I have great piles of stuff and MM is starting to get a bit cranky about it all. Never mind that a lot of it is old computers and parts and other things he couldn't sell in the shop so it will all go cheap on the garage sale. Will be nice to see it all go! We're still trying to toss up which room in the house will be the first to be remodelled. At the moment the consensus is that the upstairs bathroom needs to be totally ripped out and started again. Being a house of the 70's the decor in there is horrendous and all we did when we first moved in 12 or so years ago was rip down the horrid brown paisley wallpaper and my dad painted it a nice lemon colour for me which looked nice considering the horrendous brown timber cupboard and ugly sink top. The shower is a bathtub/shower combo which is horrible especially as we get older and will eventually have problems being able to step up and over the tub to get into the shower! We are planning to rip out the current tub/shower cubicle and get the shower placed under the window at the opposite end of the room and this will make it a bigger shower as well. We want the shower to run along the entire end wall like the one we encountered in a hotel we stayed at was really nice and actually had two shower at each end! That's the dream anyway along with more modern tiles and something to lighten the whole room is always so dark and dismal in there! It's not a huge room but for what we want it will suit fine. It currently has a huge sink and cupboard, most of which we don't use (just the two of us now) plus a huge mirror right across and really we don't need it now. It was perfect though for when the 2 girls lived with us as all three of us girls do be in there doing make up and be out of each other's way but way too big now. MM reckons he doesn't need a mirror to do his hair as he knows where his head is! Funny boy!

This week MM and I are re-doing our wills especially now the house is paid for. He wants to cut Daughter Number 1 out of it as she is now a non-entity and we haven't seen her since my dad's funeral. We just found out from our son that she is now engaged to marry the freak who is the reason she is no longer part of the family so that has caused a bit of anguish. There is a long story connected to the whole thing and probably best explained in person. Not something I really want to discuss here but needless to say MM now only has two kids not three. Friday we will visit the Solicitor to deal with the final paperwork for Registering the Title Deeds for the house with the Lands Dept. The bank wants us to keep it with them for an annual cost but it was suggested by friends we seek legal advice which we now have and they will do all the running around for us and hold the Deeds for no cost with them in a secure box so we are doing that. They will also update our wills for no extra cost. All up it will cost around $250 which wil be paid to the Lands Dept and also pay the Solicitors fee which we thought was pretty good and we decided it would make it easier as we have no clue what we are supposed to do now and the bank keeps confusing us so we figure leave it to the experts! I always figured you paid for your house and all was good but there are papers to be signed and documents to be lodged with different really explained to us exactly what needs to happen! We are thinking now of buying a block of land with a view to build a little down the track so we will wait and see...the house is too big for us now and we want something low set especially as we get older and now is probably the time to do it but first I want to enjoy being debt free for a bit!

My niece, Miss 17 got her test results back regarding her panic attacks and her heart problems. She now has to go to the Cardiologist at the Royal Brisbane Hospital for further tests as they have spotted some abnormalities. She is scared out of her wits poor kid but they are saying this is also the cause of her panic attacks...her heart stops, she can't breathe and because she can't breathe her body seizes up and she panics which then places more pressure on her heart! They were going to put her on anti-depressants but we talked her out of those as I don't think kids her age should be on those and now the doctor thinks she doesn't need them now anyway which is good.

Things with her and mum have settled down a great deal. They are actually being civil to each other and their relationship is back to the loving one they had before dad passed away. Mum has become more accepting of Miss 17's boyfriend and that has helped. He keeps her calm and makes her a much more relaxed person. He still spends way too much time at mum's house. Mum reckons he should be paying board because he eats, sleeps and showers there about 3 or 4 days out of every week! The other half of the week Miss 17 sleeps at his house! It's a good arrangement for them but not too sure about the parents!

Anyway I guess that's all the goss from me for the moment. Oh yeah I spent Friday afternoon/night watching the lead up and then THE Wedding of the Century! I am a romantic and I love that sort of thing but it meant MM spent the night downstairs on the computer because he had no interest in it at all poor love! I didn't care...I had my champers and my nibblies to myself and I chilled out and watched and marvelled at how beautiful she looked. It didn't seem that long ago when we were watching Princess Di's wedding. Was it really 30 years ago??? *Ouch*!!

Wow...just about to post this and a flash storm has just hit here...the lights flickered and then a big *boom* of thunder...hope it clears up before this afternoon...don't fancy trying to get a train home in stormy weather especially since the trains don't like to get wet! Thank goodness tomorrow (Wednesday) is a day off for me.