Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Well actually this morning was bright and sunny although extremely cold and when the alarm went off at 5:30am this morning all I wanted to do was curl into a tighter ball and stay warm! But is a work day for me and after spending about 15 minutes thinking of excuses NOT to get up I crawled out of bed. One stupid thing I do is shower in the mornings before I go anywhere. Madness in winter I tell you! When we refit the bathroom I am DEFINATELY getting one of those room heaters for in there. Getting out of a warm shower into the cold air in all your naked glory is definately no fun at all!! Today was no better.

I actually dove out of the shower, dried myself in record time then leapt back into my still warm bed for a couple of minutes just to get some feeling back into my body! Brrrrrr...and I can tell it's not getting better any time soon! By the time I dressed and had breakfast though I was feeling good again and even though I wore my heavy jacket to work (because those train platforms are icy pits of hell in winter!!) by the time I bought my daily coffee and got into the office I was very warm for the rest of the day and so the jacket came off until it was time to go home again in the afternoon.

Work was quiet today. No staff meeting which was good as our Monday mornings are a snooze fest and our time could be more productive without them in my opinion. Today I had a lunch date with a dear friend who I told you about last blog. It was awesome to catch up with her and we had so much to talk hour for lunch just wasn't enough but we are now committed to lunching more regularly and hopefully now we are practically neighbours, we can visit a bit more. I have really missed our talks and we have always been very supportive of each other. She has also been through a tumultuous couple of years so it was nice to talk about our problems with each other and offer each other advice which I have really missed.

Now it is almost home time and of course, after the nice sunny day we have had all day it has started to rain which means going home tonight on the train is going to cold, wet and miserable! *Sigh*


Colleen Barnett said...

I know what you mean re the shower. I don't have one in the morning. I like to go to bed clean and fresh, and slide into crisp sheets with the lovely clean, nice-smelling feeling. No, I struggle enough to drag my sorry ass out to the kitchen and make breakfast. It takes me a good hour to wake up of a morning. I just don't function. And I don't even drink coffee so that's no help!

It was 5 degrees here this morning...

"fiersess... " I wish someone would light some firesess in the fireplace to get some heat going. If I had a fireplace that is...

Chris H said...

I try to shower at night in summer, and have a lovely hot soak in the bath in winter.
Stuff getting out of the shower on a winter's morning! Brrrrr.

Anonymous said...

Suck it up cupcake, winter's coming! Ha ha! When you get a new bathroom, get underfloor heating and one of those heated towel rails! I have a nice warm shower at night then jump into jammies then into the nice warm bed! Only problem is getting out of the nice warm bed at 4.30 in the morning to go to work in the dark! Love Shaz

SOL's view said...

I prefer a hot bath during winter. I also don't have heaters in the bathroom. And a stuffed up hot water system to boot.

I think it has a temperature regulator on it. It's absolutely scalding in summer and just barely above body temp in winter. And this mind is NOT using cold water at all.

And in my end of the house you wait a minute or two before getting wet! Else you're showering in cold water. BRRRRRR!

SOL's view said...

I prefer a hot bath during winter. I also don't have heaters in the bathroom. And a stuffed up hot water system to boot.

I think it has a temperature regulator on it. It's absolutely scalding in summer and just barely above body temp in winter. And this mind is NOT using cold water at all.

And in my end of the house you wait a minute or two before getting wet! Else you're showering in cold water. BRRRRRR!