Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Slow Week...

You would think, wouldn't you, that now I have all this spare time on my hands, my days should be action packed and filled to the brim with lots of lovely, exciting things that I have done! Right? But's been slow. But don't get me wrong. I am absolutely LOVING having days off. I am in a happier frame of mind these days and not feeling quite so stressed about all the things I had planned to do but not done yet.

Although this week was different. I wasn't all...and I have no idea why. I was in an argumentative mood with MM all week so because I was being snippy with him, he was being snippy with me, which made me feel unloved and unappreciated and feeling even more angry with everyone and wondering what the heck was going on. And it wasn't even THAT time of the month! I figure it might be a weather change thing because I know of a couple other girl friends who have been feeling exactly the same so maybe that's it. My mood swings went from being extremely pissed off to being really down in the dumps and crying at the drop of a hat to just giggling at random silly things. I'm sure MM was secretly planning to having me committed at one stage!

Anyway, Tuesday night was the turning point. We both seemed to mellow. We cooked dinner together (which is something we normally do anyway) but I had decided to do Dad's chicken chow mein which has been a long time favourite of mine since childhood and was my dad's specialty. So as we chopped and stirred and tasted together we talked about Dad, we talked abouth the future now the house is paid off and we had just such a nioe time. Once Mr 21 got home from work we served it up and being a cold night it was the perfect meal. This meal has always been a comfort meal for me and because it warms you from the inside it makes you feel good. So the three of us chatted happily around dinner, MM teasing Mr 21 as per usual and just generally having some good laughs.

After dinner we cleaned up then MM and I veged out to watch some of the TV shows MM downloads. We don't watch TV at all much because there is usually nothing on we like. MM downloads a lot of new TV shows from the States that generally don't get aired here or don't air until about a year after the States! We have always both enjoyed watching Survivor and Amazing Race because well, they are funny and we pick our favourites, cheer the ones we love and boo the ones we hate lol. Then we will both try and pick holes out of the strategies of the teams who play. It's pretty much as much a game for us as it is for the contestants! There's a few other shows that have yet to air in Australia that we enjoy watching.

After we got tired of TV we both sat on the computer watching old video clips of our favourite artists on You Tube. Wow talk about going down memory lane! MM and I share the same taste in music so we found our favourites and sang along and even slow danced at one point to our favourite Dr Hook song "Years from now" which MM had played for me when we first met. So yeah we shared some more nice memories until it was time for bed and then...well some things need to stay sacred!

So that was my week and my weird mood was over! Just like that...

Mother's Day was the only other event this week worth mentioning. We did the Mother's Day breakfast at our local sports club with my mum and MM's Mum and all the family. It's a buffet breakfast for $11 and really good value and so much to eat! It usually does all of us until dinner time! My kids bought me the flannellette PJ's I wanted...purple with pink and blue butterflies, and a soft fluffy purple dressing gown, and so nice to wear! The nights are cooler here now so I can now lounge around and be warm! I love it!

Tomorrow (Friday) is my day off and no plans as yet although I do want to catch up on some craft stuff. I'll let you know next blog what I end up doing! Ciao for now!


Colleen Barnett said...

You know, that mood thing is just a sign of your age sweetheart. I can fully appreciate what you are saying, and so can my family, believe me. Get your hormones checked, I was diagnosed peri-menopausal. I take Remifemmin supliments (from the chemist) and they help a lot, although my iron levels have set me back somewhat, but working on that too.

Mother's day weekend I was in tears all the time, snippy, feeling unloved and unappreciated. It's a terrible feeling when you don't usually feel that way, isn't it?

I am glad you were able to get past it. Lots of relationships break down because people just fight and walk away. But realising something is wrong and working through it is so much better. We both know now that when we are being like that we have to be patient with each other until the crisis is over.

Good luck, honey. Hugs for you xxxx

Butterfly Kissez said...

Thanks for those nice words Froggy :) Nice to know I am not the only one acting like the bitch from hell lol! I kind of thought it could be the onset of menopause (I'm still in denial over that one!!) but it sounds likely. It's not a usual thing for me and I hate it when I feel like that! But with wonderful friends and family who can understand what I am going through I think I will be ok...Love you lots!