Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas....

Whew! What a hectic couple of weeks! You know I really need to jot down notes to write my blog as so much happens then comes time to write my blog and *poof* all gone...can't remember a thing! I just know that heaps happened and the last couple of weeks have passed in a blur.

Work is quiet now that the schools and our kindergartens are on break so we are playing catch ups really...doing all those crappy little jobs you don't have time for during the year. We had our team Christmas breakfast where our boss paid for us to have brerakfast at the Rue de Paris on Park Road at Milton. They do the most wonderful pancakes and ice cream with fresh berries....MMMMMM! That was a couple of weeks ago and one day before my boss flew out of Australia to spend 5 weeks in the UK. She will be back in January and the lucky thing emailed me pictures of being in London where it is snowing! Nice!

Last week I had my last appointment for this year with my specialist. I don't need to see him again now for another 12 months. I had blood tests done three weeks before that and everything seems ok-ish. My thyroid is only slightly under active now so he has bumped up my Throxine intake to 100mg a day instead of 50mg. So we will try that for the next 12 months and then re-evaluate at the next appointment. My cholestoral number is still really high although lower than 3 months ago. However even though the number is really high and in the red, the majority of it is good cholestoral and I have less than .05% chance of having a heart attack or stroke which is good to know! The cholestoral level is apparently caused by my PBC and he has said we won't even bother testing my heart or arteries or whatever as it appears all is good there. My liver is stable although still disfunctional but again due to the PBC which means my bile ducts are not working correctly which in turn is damaging my liver but no further deterioration thus far which is good. he is hoping the liver will repair itself which is highly possible so long as I eat the best I can. I drink very little alcohol now and usually limit myself to only 2 alcoholic drinks every Christmas and birthday. Alcohol is not banned but imbibing too much is not a sensible option so I try to be careful and to be honest alcohol doesn't do much for me anyway especially since my MM doesn't touch alcohol and I'm not really a lone drinker! I did have a beer a few weeks ago and I enjoyed that but only because it was there and I won't be going out to buy any especially.

It's the middle of a thunderstorm here at work right now and boy is the thunder loud! It's been hotter than hell here all day and shows no sign of cooling down. Damn office airconditioning! The sky outside is so black! It's 2:30pm and it looks like 7:00pm!

My Christmas shopping, which started off so well, has gotten nowhere as usual. Time just marched on by and I think I must have slept through that particular parade! Now we have Secret Santa at work for tomorrow plus a BBQ with Mum's brothers and sisters and then Christmas Day and I have nothing I tell you! I did however manage to get my Christmas cards out on time as well as sending a long overdue Birthday present which was actually due back in September! Sorry Froggy!!!

Other than that I have decorated my house a little, tried spring cleaning but failed due to too much going on.

More later...I think I will log off for a bit until this storm passes. Our IT guys are standing around looking a little nervous so I will be back later!


Anonymous said...

merry christmas love toni

Chris H said...

I saw photos of that thunderstorm on the net!
Good luck getting ready for Christmas.

SOL's view said...

Hope you have a great Christmas. I've not done my shopping either. Sigh....

Anonymous said...

Send some storms up this way. Haven't had a decent one for years!Glad you've had a good health report - how are hubby's problems? Have a merry christmas! Love Shaz

Colleen Barnett said...

Great news on the health front. I got all my bloods back recently and all were perfect (naturally) except my vitamin B was low. Nothing a supplement won't fix.

Birthday present gratefully received, thank you. I have been slack with posting Christmas cards. Just a handful this year. My address book has gone AWOL so I can't find anyone's addresses... :-(

Hope your Christmas is full of good cheer, and here's to a year of health, happiness and love!
