Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wow! What a week...thank god it's nearly over!

So.....this week has been a rather eventful one. It sure has moved on really quick which is great because it means the weekend is here again!!

Work wise it has been extremely busy and to be honest I am at a point where I just want to toss it all in...not enjoying any of it anymore which is generally an indication that it's time to move on...but more about that later.

Saturday started off well. I went to mum's for a bit and helped Miss 16 prepare for one of her best friend's parties. He (J) was having a 17th birthday party which we thought was a bit strange since we figured he should have waited for an 18th instead but as it turns out he probably won't get an 18th! They were having a Naughty & Nice themed party and Miss 16 and her other best friend C were dressing as french maids with the fish nets and teeny little skirts etc. They did look cute and not as trampy as I thought they would look. Then they waited for Miss 16's latest boyfriend R to pick them up.

Let me tell you about this new guy. I didn't really think much of R mainly because he is 18 and goes to Uni but after this night my estimation of him went up substantially which proved to me not to judge a book by its cover I guess. R's last girlfriend died 10 months ago of cancer and Miss 16 was the only person who would listen to him while he was upset and their relationship evolved from there. I originally used to see him on Facebook and to me, the comments he used to make to Miss 16 on Facebook bordered on stalker to me. But again I could be wrong! Anyway she really likes him and he treats her well and yeah like I said his actions on this Saturday night proved to me he can be trusted.

Anyway...Saturday night and they head to the party. The birthday boy, J, has booked himself a hall and a DJ and Miss 16 and C had a list of names to give to the bouncer so that as people arrived, if your name was on the list you got a wrist band and got signed in. Not on the list? No entry!

First half of party was great according to Miss 16 and C. C's boyfriend was also there until things stared to go sour. Firstly J didn't have money to get the pizza to feed everyone and tried to talk Miss 16 and C to pay for them since the party was supposed to be for C's birthday as well. Both girls refused as they hadn't wanted a party this big and had no part in the planning as J had pretty much invited everyone without their knowledge. Halfway through the night there was suddenly a whole lot more people and Miss 16 and C told J that people were coming in who weren't invited and in fact they didn't even know them...did he? J's response was that is was a party right? Just enjoy! At this C got very upset and decided to leave the party.

C left with Miss 16's boyfriend while C's boyfriend stayed with Miss 16 as Miss 16 wanted to start cleaning up. By now the party was getting very aggressive, there was alcohol coming from somewhere and fights were breaking out. About 20 of the kids took over an industrial bin and were riding it down the main street narrowly missing cars and somewhere the Police arrived. By now J's mother had arrived and she was less than impressed and demanding answers. J was now blaming Miss 16 and C saying they had invited too many people and people were gatecrashing. Miss 16 was furious with J as this wasn't the case at all so she called R to come back and pick her and C's boyfriend up as they were all going to be staying at R's house that night. So now poor Miss 16 was having to get a lecture from J's mum about being irresponsible and the mother ended up calling my mum next day to tell her what went on and saying Miss 16 and C were drunk (she wasn't) and had created a huge disturbance. J's mum then went on to say that all three of them were supposed to pay a third of the costs each (again not true and J had boasted about how he was going to have the party he wanted and booked the hall without his mother's knowledge. Now he decided he didn't want to pay for the whole mess!) J's mum said she noticed Miss 16 and C were drunk before they even entered the party (again not true...Miss 16 still had the flu pretty bad and her eyes and nose were sore and runny before she even went. Mum wanted her to stay home in fact. Also she was wearing extremely high stilettos which were killing her feet causing her to wobble a little). Turns out that J had stolen his mother's alcohol and had been giving it out to kids at the party.

Miss 16 and C had only invited 20 kids whereas J had invited the whole of the Year 12 class, even those he didn't know. In Miss 16's and C's opinion this was to make himself "popular" at school because as a 17 year old gay boy who makes no secret of it, he is not exactly popular at school and only has a small circle of friends (Miss 16's circle.) I had always thought a lot of J as he was always a nice kid and it turns out I went to school in Gladstone with his dad! Miss 16 and J have known each other since kindy and have been besties ever since. That may change! J's cousin is Kate Miller Heidke, the singer that's around at the moment. Anyway needless to say when mum told Miss 16 what she had been told she is now furious with J and when mum spoke to C and asked for her side of the story she told mum roughly the same thing so it appears J may be covering his own butt! J's mum is pushing for Miss 16 to pay for damages to the hall as well but she is refusing saying if J had kept to the list there would not have been trouble as the party was peaceful up to that point. What I liked about Miss 16's guy R is that he gave Miss 16, C and her boyfriend a lecture about how stupid they were and how he knew the party would get out of control and in future they needed to be more careful about the kinds of parties they went to! Yes dad lol! He was very concerned about how things all panned out. It certainly changed my opinion in a small way.

Anyway Sunday then passed fairly uneventfully. I had a quiet day with mum and played with the puppies for a while. I was beginning to feel the effects of the flu as well and Monday I awoke feeling pretty crappy so called in sick. I slept till about lunch time and got out of bed feeling better. As MM was making me tea and toast (love that man!), Mr 20 yells out "Bye! I'm off to work!" Next thing I hear a loud bang! I looked out the window and there was Mr 20's car in pieces on the road! I yelled to MM "That's Mr 20!" MM heard as well and went tearing out the front. Mr 20 had gone to pull out of the driveway and seeing nothing coming reversed out then was collected by a ute coming up the hill which hit the tail end of Mr 20's car. He claimed he didn't see Mr 20 and Mr 20 is adamant he could see nothing coming. That part of the road is notorious anyway as there have been several accidents there over the years we have lived there. Poor Mr 20 was so upset. He has spent so much money on that car and it is a lovely's his pride and joy and looks like it will be written off now as the whole rear end has been torn off. He does have compulsory third party insurance which will cover the other driver but nothing for himself as being under 25 insurance is just too expensive. But at least no-one was hurt.

Wednesday night I met up with Miss 16 and mum after work at Roma Street station to take her to Southbank. This night there was an Open Night at the Southbank Institute of Technology which is where she wants to go next year to study photography and graphic art. Southbank is apparently the best place if she is not going into university. It's a very impressive place and seeing it all has motivated her even more. She now has to complete her QTAC application and submit a folio of her work which she pretty much has already organised. It's a 2 year diploma with an option of doing further study at university level. Her school is organising her work experience in photography for this term until the end of the year which will also look good on the QTAC application.

Now it's Friday and I am about to finish up at work and head home at last! Let's hope this weekend is nice and ordinary!


Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as a quiet teenage party these days! The girls should have dressed up as nice Nuns! If J's cousin is Kate Miller-Heidke, why didn't he get her to play at HIS party instead of a DJ? Then he'd be really popular at school! Hope this weekend is nice and quiet for you! Can you put some pic's of Miss 16's artwork on your blog? SHe should get into Southbank easily! SHAZ

Butterfly Kissez said...

Lol...I'm pretty sure his cuz wouldn't be seen dead at a teenager's party...I'll pinch some pics of Miss 16's off her facebook page...she is going to create a Facebook group with just her photos on it. A couple of other photographers she knows have one as well and they told her its the best way to get some exposure.

Butterfly Kissez said...

Oh and Shaz it was the Heidke's we went to school with...I can't remember J's dad much but when I met him he was like "Hey we went to school together in Gladstone" lol...

SOL's view said...

Wow. What a week!

Colleen Barnett said...

About time you had something to blog about. How rude is J's mother! And he should have the balls to stand up and admit his mistake.

I hope your girls stick to their guns and don't pay. Perhaps a small amount but certainly not 1/3 each. Poor girls. Get rid of this jackass
