Monday, May 24, 2010

The Trials and Tribulations of a Teenage Girl

Since my life is so boring these days I have decided to share a little of my darling niece's last week or so as she actually HAS a life lol.

I just got off the phone to a heartbroken Miss 16. She had just spent the most amazing weekend (she thought) in Byron Bay with her boyfriend and his father, future step mum and his fathers married friends. They left Friday after school and got home Sunday afternoon. I was over there when she got home and she spent over 2 hours telling us how much fun she had laughing about the weird "hippy" locals and some of their crazy antics and generally seemed to have a fab time. Her boyfriend was going to teach her to surf but there was no surf and it was just way too cold apparently. Today she tells me that they broke up last night a few hours after they got home. She is not sure why but by mutual agreement they agreed to be "just friends". Now this boyfriend apparently has done this to her before. Wanted a serious relationship with her, then backs off, they go out as friends and then suddenly he is wanting a serious relationship again. This time Miss 16 has told him no more. Now he asked her to go to Mooloolaba next weekend as his dad owns a sailboat! Like she said to me this guy is a loser lol. So hopefully she will cut her ties to this guy once and for all. I mean what is it with teenage boys??

She is also fighting with her lifelong friend who lives across the road. This friend's ex-boyfriend is Miss 16's closest friend and they have known each for years, years longer than the friend has. But now this friend is not talking to Miss 16 because she "dares" to be friends with her ex lol. This friend has also been bad mouthing her ex all over Facebook as she usually does when she dumps a boyfriend. So naturally enough these ex boyfriends all seem to go to Miss 16 and talk about their woes to her making her friend very cranky with her lol. Thank god I am not 16 anymore!

Mum also called me tonight to tell me it looks like she has a buyer for her house so now she is stressing! And what's worse she has decided she doesn't really want to sell after all! To be honest it would be nice if she didn't sell as we all love that house but realistically she really isn't able to stay because she is already suffering arthritis in the hips and knees and with all the stairs it will soon be unmanageable for her. So she does need something smaller and cheaper and just somewhere nice she can live out her days. I tell you, I hope someone runs me over before I get to 70! It all seems like way too much hard work!

As an aside, my flu is finally gone and I am feeling much better. Work is dead quiet and my life right now is dead boring! That is all...until next time!!


SOL's view said...

Well, I'm glad I'm not 16 anymore either, but I don't recall going through half the angst they seem to these days.

But then, I was boring. A boring, non rebellious experiment with no social life. I was the eldest and therefore the guinea pig. But curled in a corner with a good book, I had no dramas in my life!

*yes, that's right sibling. any freedoms you had you owe to me! :)*

Anonymous said...

Yep, we were definitely stress-free teenagers weren't we? Sounds like loser dude only wants Miss 16 as a handbag to show off on week-ends away. Tell her to concentrate on her art instead of boys. Glad you're over your wog. Love Rat

Colleen Barnett said...

SOL, your problem was that you were too bloody boring. Dated a couple of guys and married the first loser to look your way! *is jealous as heck* :-)

No, we were pretty sheltered as teens. The most fun I had was driving around in a little Camira up and down the main street of town! And going to the Harbour Festival! Man, they were fun, all of us together. *sighs whistfully*

I am not looking forward to Dobby's teenage years. She has the balls to stand up for herself, but I fear that there are a lot of bitches out there who will stab her in the back. She will have to fight her own battles but at least no one will walk all over her.

Hugs to Miss 16.

*insto* I hope she doesn't get insto too much trouble in her teen years?