Monday, October 25, 2010

Message to My Blogger Pal, Froggy

Dearest Froggy...just letting you know I STILL have your birthday present sitting on my desk at home! I'm so sorry! I will get it to you (before Christmas hopefully!) I just haven't had the chance to get it to the Post Office. Just so you know I haven't forgotten...I'm just a very slack pork chop.

Speaking of Froggy and Pork Chop, remember Epileptic Cabbage? I found her photo the other day in my box of memories would be great to track her down again! We wrote for a while and she was engaged to be be married so no idea what her married name would be now.

PS Love you heaps!!


Colleen Barnett said...

Awww, that's lovely. Thank you for even remembering! No rush, though. At the rate the days fly by it will be my birthday again real soon! lol.

Yes, I often wonder what Cabbage is doing. I tried to find her on FB but was unsuccessful. Mad as a cut snake, that girl!

Colleen Barnett said...

PS Love you too! xxxx