Monday, November 29, 2010

My Niece's Formal Photos

Above: My niece (in the black dress) and her date. The young lad in the glasses is from Gladstone and apparently we went to school with his dad

Before I start my actually post for today here is a few formal photos of my girl :) You'll have to excuse the "watermark" splashed across them...we haven't paid for the real ones yet lol...

My niece and her date for the night...not her boyfriend :)

Hard to beleive that they are all grown up! Seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home from hospital!


SOL's view said...

Lovely. Formal photos look so glam! Hope she had a great night.

Chris H said...

She's a pretty girl! They do grow fast... kinda like that... as I still have two at home.