Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Funny Teenage Son Mr 19

Our youngest, Mr 19, has been the source of much mirth and entertainment over the years. He is an intelligent boy - there's not much he doesn't know about computers and his beloved car he has rebuilt from scratch so he's know his thing there, but when God was giving out common sense, Mr 19 thought they said they were giving away 20 cents and decided it wasn't worth it lol.

DD2 and I were laughing about a couple of things just the other night and I just have to share...sorry son!

A couple of our more amusing conversations goes like this:

Conversation 1

Mr 19 doing dishes one night after a particularly messy meal and not very happy about it (It was a punishment):

Mr 19: Mum how do I get this yukky stuff off the bottom of the saucepan?

Me: Use a bit of elbow grease...

Mr 19: *grumble grumble* (no idea what was said at this point lol but I'm sure it wasn't pleasant)

A couple of minutes later and still more grumbling and much slamming of cupboard doors and more muttering.

Me: What on earth are you doing??

Mr 19: I'm trying to find the damn elbow grease! Where do we keep it again???

*insert eye rolling smiley here*

Conversation 2:

Mr 19 arguing with his sister Miss 21:

Mr 19: Mum! Miss 21 won't let me have a shower!

Me: What do you mean she won't let you have a shower.

Miss 21: Of course you can have a shower. I didn't say he couldn't have one?

Mr 19: Miss 21 wants to put her washing in the dryer and if she does that I won't have any hot water!



Colleen Barnett said...

Ah, ain't it great that we can laugh at our kids' expense? After all, isn't that why we have them? haha.

Word today is *slyzer*.... wonder what that could be...

Butterfly Kissez said...

Yes Mr 19 knows he is the butt of our jokes...doesn't faze him one bit...he always says we'd miss him if he weren't think =) His dad and I are such kidders and pranksters and I think the kids put up with us because they have to lol. I will tell some stories one day of all the funny things we have done to the kids over the years lol...they still talk about them to this day with their I guess we have had some impact on their lives =)