Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Weekend...continued

Sunday I was up pretty early which was weird considering hubby and I didn't get to bed until 1am! We had sat up playing online games with my brother and before any of us realised it was 1am! My daughter number 2 and I had planned a coffee morning at Gloria Jean's so I was up early and got to the coffee shop by 10:30am. D2 was already there and she wanted to shout me coffee for my birthday which was really nice so we sat and chatted about stuff. She is about to move in with her boyfriend and will be moving 2 hours drive away so this was pretty much our last chance for a while to see each other although her father and I will visit heaps and I'm sure she and her man will come visit us.

She is very excited about having her own place...her first. Her father and I gave her $500 to get started with so she was VERY excited as they really need a fridge so that will go towards that. I am so excited for her but sad too that my little girl, who I met when she was 10, is all grown up! She and I have probably got on the best out of the three step children. And yet she was the last of them to truly accept me. Not because of me particularly but she was more upset, as a child would be, that her parents had split and she found it very hard to accept that Dad had a new girlfriend who wasn't her mother. Once she accepted the fact that her parents would never get back together, she bonded to me instantly. I think it also helped that I didn't try to BE her mother. I tried very hard to keep out of their space and they accepted me on their own terms not because they had to like me but because they REALLY DID like me :) So now D2 and I are very close and she has always been the one who makes sure I'm okay and was always buying me little gifts etc. She is just gorgeous :)

She also bought me a little silver ring after we had coffee. We did a bit of girly shopping after coffee and bought some clothes and I found this cute little ring which she begged to buy me for my birthday. I was happy to just have coffee but she really wanted to buy me a gift so I now have a lovely little ring which looks great with my Pandora bracelet :)

She will be staying with her mum till she and her man find a house. He got back from exercise in Darwin with the RAAF on Sunday so now he is back they will look in earnest. She is also out of work right now so she will look for work close to wherever they move to. It's a very exciting time for both of them and I wish them both joy and happiness!


Colleen Barnett said...

sounds like you had a great weekend. it's always nice to get a bit of time to yourself. sometimes the family doesn't understand that. they think it's an offence that you don't want to spend time with them.

can't wait to see pics of the new bag. I too have a few but I tend to use the one till it falls apart then get another. usually. having said that I currently have two on the go...

men just don't understand...

*patile*. sounds like a sweet....

Butterfly Kissez said...

Well my family knows that no "special" time for mum means mum is gonna be grumpy ALLLLLL Week lol so they know better....

SOL's view said...

What a great way to spend time. Coffee and girly shopping. I would like to do that, but Elder now lives too far away, and Teen hasn't got her own income. And would probably be bored by that.... unless it's me spending $$ on her. Of course.

**tringers** Bega without an S anyone???