Monday, July 20, 2009

My First Post!! Yay!!

Well here it very first blog post :) It's funny that now I have gotten this far I am sitting here thinking... thinking... thinking... what to write?? Those of you who know me on a personal level know that I have had a fairly eventful year with family illness, some personal issues as well the death of my beloved father in June. Top that with some health issues of my own and I am amazed by my own strength! Of course I know that people all over the world are dealing with their own personal demons so I know that I am not that special and don't have the monopoly on feeling melancholy most days. Life is tough and you can choose to curl up in a ball and will yourself to fade away or you can deal with the grief, get up, shake yourself off, tell yourself that life sucks but then move on to the next life event. I chose the latter. As tempting as it is to curl up in a ball and never get up again, I know my dad would never allow it if he were still here so I force myself to get up and move on. Yeah it's hard and I still have a cry in the shower every morning before I go to work but it is therapeutic and I know that dad is pushing me forcing me to strive forward. I think that is why I want to write again. Dad was a writer and he loved to write and he instilled in me my love of reading and writing. He taught me to write my name on a chalk board when I was 3 years old and he taught me to read at the same age. One day I hope to be published. I don't feel yet that I have had enough life experience to write as well as I should but I do try to observe things around me. This blog will mostly be things based on my observations on me, my family, friends and complete strangers - people I run into everyday. Hope you can enjoy the ride with me!

1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

there you go, you're published! well done!

I used to love writing as a young person, but over the years my patience has worn thin and I lack the attention span now.

I look forward to reading many, many more posts! :-)