Sunday, June 3, 2012

Finally feeling good about myself....

Just a quick blog before bed.  I just got a beautiful message on Facebook from N1, my gorgeous niece, that made me so happy and so proud of her :)  Just recently she knuckled down and did a 15 week course to obtain her Certificate III in Child Care.  This included 3 week's prac work at a childcare centre which she loved and has decided she wants to do this as her profession and will do her photography when she has the time.  This may not be exciting for anyone else but believe me this is a big deal for us as since she left high school she has drifted...not interested in working, or helping around the house, huge screaming matches with mum on a daily basis and basically just staying away from home for weeks on end with no-one really knowing who she was with or where she was.  Well we did sort of know she would be with the boyfriend of that period but where was anyone's guess.  She is now in much nicer relationship with a really nice guy and I beleive he is changing her for the better.  I'll explain more about him later as it's bed time for me and I want this to be brief  :)

Anyway I bought her a little book called "Treasure Yourself" written by Miranda Kerr and I wrote a beautiful message inside from me telling her how proud I am of her and how much I love her.  I finally gave it to her today when I was over at mum's.  Now N1 is not much of a reader.  Generally she will start a book then get bored by Chapter 2 and then just won't go back to it.  I just received her message saying how much she loved the book and that since I left she hadn't been able to put it down and is going to keep it in her bag as a motivational tool.  She has already marked her favourite passages and quoted a couple to me already!  I had a quick glance through the book when I bought it and there were some lovely things that made me think.  Just inspirational things and things that I thought would help N1's self esteem as she doesn't believe she is good at anything and doesn't think her photography is any good and hates her looks and the usual teenage anxiety things.  She was amazed to read that Miranda Kerr has the same anxieties etc and had based her book on the things people had taught her.

To have N1 message tell me how much she loved the book and how much she loved me for thinking of her just made me so happy (and yes I had a cry) :)  I had bought 2 of these books (we have those door to door booksellers who leave a pile of books at the office for a couple of weeks and you can order the ones you want).  They were just really cheap and I already knew I would give one to N1 but I have yet to decide whether I should keep the second for me or give it away to someone else! 

Anyway bed for me...busy week at the office this week so I'll keep you posted on this week's adventures!  Nighty Night!  xoxoxox


SOL's view said...

That's wonderful! It's soooo good to know you've had a positive effect on someone.

And it sounds like she is growing up. :)

Colleen Barnett said...

I think I might find a copy of that book for Dobby. She could really use it I think.

Chris H said...

That's so nice to read! Good on you for seeing the good in her.