Thursday, September 17, 2009

Here we go again.....

...back to the grind of doctors appointments, tests, needles, medication and all manner of other horrible things that come as you get older and take less care of yourself than you used to... *sigh*

Got my test results back from the blood tests I had done last week and went back yesterday to the Doctor so she could give me my results. Let's just say if I was a dog I'd be put down! Well ok...maybe a slight over-exaggeration but needless to say it's going to mean a whole lifestyle change for me and well, I really HATE change...

My doctor showed me my test results on her screen and all the numbers were in RED...not a good sign apparently. I have: low blood pressure, high cholestorol, high iron content, underactive thyroid, high haemoglobans (not sure what that means but caused by high iron content apparently!) and liver disfunction. Great!! This doctor is nice...she is female and Indian so I do have a little trouble understanding her but I ask her to repeat and she is very patient and tries to explain everything to me. She is now sending me to have a liver ultrasound done and I need more blood tests done (yikes). She wants me tested for Hep B & C (Say what?) I tell her I don't do drugs, have only had sex with one man for the past 12 years so how could I possibly have either Hep B or C. She tells me it is highly unlikely but because of the high iron content she needs to rule everything out. Also she told me one of her patients actually got it from public transport...all it takes is to touch a spot of someone's blood with a paper cut on your finger and you can get it. Oh if I don't hate catching the train already! So now I have to tell my boss I need more time off work to do all these tests. This is just the start...after the ultrasound I may need a liver biopsy and then a visit to a haematologist plus all kinds of assorted tests down the track. I told MM we needed private health cover! Anyway I really need to follow it all through this time. I have promised MM and myself that when this is all done we will go to Fiji in June/July next year...he seems keen on the idea and I think we will need it.

Oh and the good news is on top of that my doctor weighed me and I have lost 15 kilos since February...I was 85kg and now just under 70kg. No wonder my clothes are falling off me!

1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

Oh dear, all that boozing and partying is coming back to haunt you! lol! Seriously, don't stress too much. I had high iron early in the year but it must have been a virus. Wayne has a particular thing that means he has to take foliate tablets or he could have a heart attack at any time. (*sees opportunity...*)

But once you get yourself sorted out you will be okay. You just need to follow advise and it will take care of itself. Good luck!

*multy*... sound like you need a multy vitamin?