Monday, August 24, 2009

The Week in Review....

The weekend past was a quiet one as has been this week so there isn't much of any worth to blog this week. The weather here the past of couple of days has the feel of the middle of summer and yet winter hasn't officially finished yet! Yesterday was a scorcher and I would have given anything to sit in a nice cool spa and sip champers as a way to cool off! Ah well maybe in my next life!

Saturday I slept in which was a bad start for me as I had a plan for Saturday and that plan included me getting up really early to get all the housework done in record time then drag MM off to the local Westfield to get me a new mobile phone as the one I have has shat itself and I am so over having to keep charging it everytime I walk past it! The account is in MM's name so he has to come with me but because I didn't get the things done I wanted, I let MM off the hook and have decided to go get it next weekend.

Saturday was actually a lovely warm day, not too hot and not too cold and the perfect day to wash all the sheets and replace the winter ones with summer ones. I was able to open the whole house up and let in some lovely fresh air in without one of the housemates complaining about the cold! I love having all the doors and windows open and letting in fresh air. There is something vaguely primitive about have a fresh breeze flowing through. Unfortunately I also hate bugs so I usually have to close up early to avoid any of those horrible critters invading my fresh home :)

Sunday I actually did get up early and decided on an early morning walk to the bakery and newsagent (about 50 metres down the road so not too much of a struggle!). Being one of the first customers at a bakery is bad news for me...lovely, freshly baked bread and donuts and cakes and all things that can be treacherous for me! So I ended up buying for lunch a yummy cheese and bacon french loaf and 3 fresh cream donuts for morning tea (no, not ALL for me...unfortunately I had to share! )

MM and I decided to have some "us" time so we sat and watched a series of NCIS on DVD. So between the cream donuts, french loaf and the various lollies and choclates we had bought the week before, we had a thoroughly decadent Sunday! I felt a little guilty at being so lazy but what the hell...we rarely have time to just sit and do nothing so that's what we did. Was rather nice I must say.

The rest of this week has gone rather is quiet and at night when I get home I have been typing up Dad's book which is all in handwritten notes. A few years back I had bought he and mum a journal each and asked them to write in it everything about their childhood and anything they think we would be interested in. I found dad's journal the other day when we were going through his stuff and he has written loads! I am so excited...the first few pages alone have had me smiling and laughing at his boyhood was a writer and a journalist in his post-Army days and his stories are brilliant! His handwriting is a bit of a struggle to read though so I am transcribing it all and will create a book for all the kids with his photos and stories. He also has a half finished manuscript for the book he always wanted to write but never got around to finishing...I may just try and finish it for him and have it published if only for the family to have a copy...will see how that goes.

Friday I am having the day off as it will have been Dad's birthday so I will be spending a day reflecting and just have some quiet time alone with my memories and think of all the happy times and counting my blessings for all the time I did have with him.

1 comment:

Colleen Barnett said...

aah, God bless lazy weekends. Man, do I need one of those (and thanks, but no thanks to cleaning nearly 16's room!)

This week does seem to be dragging but for us here it's because it's so cold and wet. We are longing for spring to dry things out!

Your writing project sounds wonderful, and a great way for you to connect with your dad again. I do hope you find the experience very spiritually fulfilling. Maybe when it's done you will let your friends have a read? *hint*

*ravilio*.... mmmm pasta!