Monday, October 26, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like...

...Christmas! Arrrrgh! Everywhere I go lately there seems to be Christmas stuff everywhere. Shops are stocking cards, and papers and food and decorations already. Westfield was actually playing Christmas carols last weekend which I considered to be absurd! Normally I love Christmas but this really puts me off and I refuse to be pressured into buying Christmas stuff in October. Christmas will be a low-key affair this year and I am working on putting in place some new traditions. It will be sad without Dad this year but I am determined to make this Christmas a much more personal and a little more special and give us some time to reflect on his passing. I have the perfect personal gift for mum and my brother and sister this year and I am stressing a little as I haven't finished and I still have a long way to go! I am typing up Dad's memoirs as he wrote them and the hardest part is trying to translate his writing. The beginning was easy and quite legible but as he got sicker it seemed he tried to get more and more down on paper so the writing is harder to read but I am determined to finish it! My idea is to create a photo book done by companies such as Harvey Norman or the one I am using is from a website called Snapfish who make up beautifully bound books and you use their templates to add stories and photos and they print it out on glossy paper and bound beutifully in a leather or fabric covered book. A friend from work did one for her parents and it is absolutely beautiful! So my mission is to get this done. Writing dad's stories has been very therapeautic for me...I've laughed and cried my way all through it and there are stories he has never told us before. Stories from his childhood and his growing years up until he joined the army and beyond. It will be a wonderful gift I think. the week that was...nothing much has happened...well maybe it has but was too insignificant to remember! I really need to make notes! Pretty much work all week...oh wait I did have Friday off as MM's niece got married! She had a very quiet, very private registry wedding then invited us all to The Era Cafe at South Brisbane for her wedding reception. That was really nice! She and her new husband are lovely. They just bought a house a month ago and now here they are, married as well. Very exciting for someone that age! The food was of what MM calls "the yuppy variety" ie no cheerios, sausage rolls or pizzas lol. Still very nice but classy kinds of hors doevres. And there was lots of it! The food kept on coming and everyone was like "no, no more!" The wedding cake was a 3 tier mud cake and very nice.

That morning I went to my favourite stores and bought 2 gorgeous tops that were on sale from Crossroads. I was meant to buy one to wear to the wedding but found 2 I liked and bought both! But being on sale I got both for $40 so that was a steal! They will be ideal for Christmas functions as well. Black and silver with diamontes all through...very pretty and I have to admit I think they actually looked great on me. If you check my Facebook page there is a picture of me at the reception wearing one of the tops. I bought a crocheted black top to wear over top of it as well so that's what I was wearing. I bought jewellery from Diva because I love their costume jewellery! And I had a black feathered fascinator for my yeah I looked pretty classy for a change!

Sunday I spent some time with my niece Miss 16. She wanted to show me some of her graphic art and asked my opinion. And all I can say is WOW! She is really really good. And I told her so. She was pleasantly surprised at my reaction because honestly they are the sort of pics I would frame and hang on a wall. She hadn't thought they were that good and was amazed that I was so wrapped up in them...think it gave her a bit of a confident boost. Her teacher wanted to enter some in a contest but she didn't think they were good but after knowing I think the same she is seriously thinking she should. She does Film and Television at school along with art and she is very good at drawing and manipulating pics on the computer and its the kind of work she wants to do for a living. I told she could easily work for a magazine or in advertising with that kind of art work and she didn't beleive that would be possible. I bought her a magazine yesterday devoted to graphic art and showed her so now she realises there is a market for that kind of stuff and it is inspiring her now to develop her talents more. She wants to go to TAFE when she finishes school and is excited to know she can do photography and graphic art there rather than going to uni. She also eventually told me she will be presented with an Art award at school on Friday. She didn't think anyone would want to go as friends and family are invited but seeing my excitement at her work she decided to ask me. I told her she wouldn't be able to keep me away! So Friday morning I will be late to work and will go and watch her be presented with her award. Dad was always proud of her artwork as he did art before he lost his hand and always encouraged her in her drawing. So she is really keen to make him proud of her. Will post some of her pics here when I get a free moment.

I am really proud of her...


Colleen Barnett said...

I did see that photo, and you looked beautiful. As you should.

I tell you, I am quite disappointed I won't get to see this book of memoirs. I am as caught up in it as you are! maybe if you ever come down to Adelaide to visit you could bring it with you and give me a peek? Or if I come to BrizVegas you may show me? Next time we are up that way I will definitely now have to arrange a visit!

I agree retailers are getting the jump too early on Christmas. It should be mandatory that nothing Christmas comes out until November at least. We have a huge pageant here 14 November, and I think that is acceptable time to start the hype.

Personally I am pretty much finished my Christmas shopping and preparations. Just last minute stuff to worry about. Yay for being organised!

*jonts* my jonts are particularly aching this morning? must be the weather... :-)

SOL's view said...

Oh I am so over Christmas before it's begun!

I try not to go near the stores too early because you always get bombarded with the whole Christmas hype. So annoying!

I haven't begun my shopping yet. Heck I'm still two months behind one sister's birthday!

And now I'm all wrapped up watching my money flow out the door preparing for the Teen's formal. It just doesn't end!

Froggy, just you wait till it's your turn! She told me yesterday that a friend's dress cost her parents $800. The dress alone! *faints*

Anonymous said...

great read love toni