Sunday, November 22, 2009

And life goes on...and on...and on...and...

I have been MIA for the past few weeks. Not for any particular reason other than my life has been DULL…DULL…DULL!!!! No point reporting on stuff that’s not happening so I hope you all missed me! Lol…

Work has had its moments. I really think it’s time for me to move on as the challenge here is minimal…it’s all become so routine and dull and it really is an effort to get out of bed, face the possibility of yet another train cancellation/break down/major stuff up and not to mention that it is so hot and I HATE the heat. Don’t bother talking to me when I am feeling hot and bothered unless you are happy to walk around missing major parts of your anatomy! MM thinks it’s hilarious that my mood is icy in summer but he now knows better than to laugh at me while I am in THAT mood. He reckons the tone of my voice while in THAT mood has been known to de-calcify the bones of even the toughest of people. Sheesh thanks babe…

In an nutshell…and I have to admit I don’t really remember much of what has happened over the past month…I have been working, spending weekends at mum’s trying to get her organised enough to sell the house, spending time with Miss 16 and trying hard to keep liking MM! No it’s not really that bad but at the moment I don’t have the patience to listen to anybody and because he is ALWAYS just there and wanting to talk he cops the full brunt of it. I will make it up to the poor baby but right now I need to be left alone!

One bright glimmer in the month that was, was Miss 16’s award day at the school. She won an award for her film she made in her Film and TV class at school. They entered the work of the school in the Cannes Film Festival apparently and her school got top marks. She won for Best Concept, Best Production and Best Editing. This is what she wants to do when she leaves school…get involved in photography and graphic arts and film and television. I’m helping her get her portfolio of photos together as she doesn’t believe they are any good but I think they are fantastic! Her art teachers have also told her she is very talented. So the best we can do at the moment is encourage her and help her believe in herself. The school has organised for her to go to TAFE one day a week next year to study photography when she is in Year 12 and she is very excited about this. This will go some way towards her eventual diploma. She has now decided to grow out the black in her hair and go back to her natural colour…Yay!!! Although she did her ears pierced a third time without telling anyone. I noticed straight away but mum only found out a couple of days ago lol. Her friend works in a piercing place and wanted the practice so she got them done for nothing.

MM was like a kid at Christmas recently when we finally splashed out and bought a 46 inch LED TV. We now have high def yeah! I have been watching GO TV and watching all the old programs…so funny…who needs to pay for Foxtel??? I also got a dishwasher finally…it’s been a few years without one and it’s nice to just load and walk away. No longer tied to the kitchen! Now I just need to hire me a chef to cook the meals yeah! As usual MM managed to talk the asking price down by a couple of hundred dollars enough so that we could get a TV unit as well to fit within our budget so it was all very cool. We really don’t watch a lot of TV but now with the new surround stereo system we also got along with blu-ray DVD MM is dragging out all the old DVDs and re-watching them and really the clarity is fantastic. We have been sitting there watching movies and noticing so much more than we did before. MM is taking great delight in picking up all the bad skin problems some actors have when they do close ups lol. He can be such a child but I love him bless his heart.


Anonymous said...

change you job! go on hoildays and love you man! love toni x

SOL's view said...

HD tv in surround sound! *loves* But I don't have a blue-ray dvd player. Maybe one day I will combine that want with the game console want and solve two problems at once. Yeah!

Know what you mean about the heat. It makes me even nastier than usual. :)

Colleen Barnett said...

I wish I could have blamed the heat on my moods. Hate summer.

Yes, change jobs. Start working on that resume, and look for something a little challenging. At our age we need to fire up the brain cells sometimes. Good luck!

And well done to Miss 16. She has a great future ahead if she keeps her head on right for the next couple of years. Good luck!


*oxionfl* um, got an oxionfl of rubbish to sell? no? oh well, got nothing then...