Monday, July 4, 2011

Some More Bags

Well as you can see I think I am getting the hang of sewing and making my bags! Still not 100% perfect but it is getting easier.

Here is the last 4 I made in the last couple of weekends. I made 3 in one day and the black one I made for my mother-in-law took me a while longer because the fabric was a bitch to work with until I got it figured out so I had to walk away at one stage as it was getting me frustrated! Once I understood how to handle the fabric it was a breeze and actually turned out the best! The aqua coloured bag was made for my daughter for her birthday, another is for my friend Shaz as a late birthday present and the brownish/grey one is the one my mum chose. I have one more bag to make for Miss Froggy as she asked ever so nicely and then I want to move on to another type of bag that I found a pattern for.

The black bag is made out of a snake skin look fabric and my mother-in-law loves it as she bought snake skin look shoes and this bag is a perfect match! And I chose a burgundy satin lining just because I liked it with the black.

At the moment I am really enjoying it and another sewing friend suggested getting myself an Etsy account and try selling but I'm not sure I am ready for that yet. I don't want to sell inferior products so when I am certain it all looks great then I will think about it!


Anonymous said...

Pretty! Love the colour! It is brilliant fabric for bags, looks so much like vinyl. Thank you very much!(will act surprised when I get it!) Love Shaz

SOL's view said...

They look great. :)

It's been a while since I found a craft that really interests me. Last one was cross stitch.

Butterfly Kissez said...

Shaz...will try and send it off this week for you! I have Wednesday off so will pop to the post office then. Our post office here at Milton where I work got flood destroyed in January's flood and they decided not to rebuild so no PO around here anywhere now which is a pain!

Colleen Barnett said...

Hey beautiful, your bags look fabulous! We are all very lucky ladies to have someone who take the time to hand make something so pretty just for us.

I was only joking, but hey, being the good friend I am, I would never refuse something so pretty :-D

Seriously, thank you in advance a million times over xxxx Looking forward to catching up in October! Mwah!

*sollati*... nope, got nothing...

Chris H said...

You have done so well with your bags, they are lovely.