Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Sewing Weekend

Well I decided to finally dust off my sewing machine which my parents bought me 4 or 5 years ago and I have never really used! I have been given a few bag patterns over the past couple of years and I finally decided to spend the weekend attempting one! I have never really sewn before except for a really nice patchwork quilt I made for my niece when she was a baby and it came out beautifully but having said that sewing a heap of squares together isn't really that hard!

So I took my mum and sister to Spotlight on Friday while I searched for some cute material to make my first bag. I found this really nice, snake skin look purple material. It's really glossy so it looks exactly like a skin of some kind but it is in fact a stretchy kind of material and I made the lining a black satin. The pattern said to use any kind of material but this one seemed to be just right. The button for the catch and ribbon also were just right so I was happy with the whole purchase.

The pattern was rather ambiguous in places, well for me anyway as I am a newbie at this and had to try and figure out what the pattern was trying to say. But a little bit of loginc and ignoring parts of the pattern to suit me seemed to work and I think, for my first attemps, it came up pretty good. There are a couple of bits that are a bit wonky (my dodgy sewing!) but hardly noticeable to anyone but me. Even MM declared it to be fabulous. He loves the material! Now I have made one everyone wants one so I will work my way through my list starting with my mum lol. She has even picked out her material! It should be easy now I have the pattern figured and I have my sewing machine set up perfect for me. MM is already trying to work out how much profit I can make selling them lol but I think I will leave that until waaaaay down the track when I can actually make the perfect item.


Anonymous said...

You clever little dick! It's beautiful! Perfect fabric for a bag. I thought it was made of vinyl when I first saw it. Did they have that fabric in any other colours? What number am I on the list for one? He he he! Love Shaz

SOL's view said...

It's a lovely looking bag. I can see why MM liked it.

Ok, so that's his, you'll have to post pics of the rest now when they are made!


Chris H said...

WELL DONE, the bag is gorgeous!

Butterfly Kissez said...

Shaz they had the exact same material in blue and I think in green but I loved the purple simply because its my favourite colour :) I'm going to make a bigger version as this one is small and only big enough to carry mobile, wallet and keys and maybe a bit of make-up...sort of a cocktail bag. Mum wants a tote sized one so I will blow up the pattern and try that.

Colleen Barnett said...

Hey, Shaz, me first! Hahahah!

Hey, Fee, if you're making Shaz one in the green, you can do mine as well at the same time with the same material!

Of course, I'm not fussy, I'd take any colour! Hahaha

We don't ask much, do we! :-)

Anonymous said...

Bugger off frog, I was here first! SHAZ