Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Short & Sweet...

Blog for this week is very short as it was a really quiet Easter and long weekend. Feeling the pains of having no money until next pay day! I was all for a good cause as all our money just paid off our mortgage but its sad having 5 days off and nowhere to go! Still I made the most of it.

I got caught up on decluttering the house. I now have a beautiful clean craft room again and I have cleaned out a whole heap of cupboards in MM's office ready to rip out the old wardrobe that used to hold all our stationery supplies and other odds and sods. MM has someone coming in to build some proper cupboards and benches so the room will look like an actual office instead of a bedroom which is what it was when we first bought the house and never could afford to renovate it! We are planning a garage sale very soon as I now have boxes and boxes of stuff to sell so hopefully we will make enough to be able to afford to tile the floor which will make the room look awesome!

MM also bought me a new scanner as the old one died suddenly. I was so disappointed to see the old one go as it was one of those that turns slides and negatives into photos. Over the past couple of years mum gave me boxes of her old slides to do and it was quite tedious as it only did one slide or negative at a time. But this new scanner is brilliant! Now I can do 5 slides at a time and a whole roll of negatives in one go. So in one day I actually scanned 2 big boxes of slides (about 275 to be exact) into jpeg files ready for printing out. Mum was so excited as a lot of the slides were from 1965 and had never been printed to photos. Now mum has a CD of photos ready for her to print out and do whatever she wants with them. Was really nice to see all my old baby photos and photos of my first birthday with mum and dad...was a real walk down memory lane!

My next task now is to scan 2 huge folders of negatives from MM's photography days when he was a professional photographer. As he used to develop his own photos there are hundreds of negatives he never bothered doing and I found 3 or 4 that he actually won awards for and there is one which actually used to hang in the Brisbane City Hall. Not sure if it is still there but I now have the photo!

I also did a bit more work on Dad's book. He left a couple of reams of handwritten notes for me to decipher so I am working my way through them in the hope of one day putting them all into a book for family and friends. I am envisaging it taking a couple of years! Along with the notes is his old journal which is full so it might be a while!

Easter Sunday was quiet. The kids went to their mother's for breakfast so it was just MM and myself. After the kids got back we went on a drive to visit my mum and MM's parents which pretty much took up the rest of the day. Got loaded up with choclate so came home, watched a few more episodes of "Cold Case" and pigged out on choclate for a bit. Still have heaps left over and I am already over choclate! I have never been that much of a choclate lover. If it is there I will eat it but it's not something I go out of my way to buy. Occasionally MM will buy me a nice block of choclate if he is schmoozing up to me for whatever reason but other than that I can take it or leave it.

Anyway today (Thursday) is my only day of work this week. I should have just had the whole week off instead of coming in one day but at least there is no choclate here!


Colleen Barnett said...

ooooh chocolate.

I am quite jealous that I'm down here. One girl's trash is another girl's treasure! Nothing better than scavenging through garage sales!

Good luck with the renovations. Something just a slight change of scenery can make such a huge difference!

and Send some of that chocolate this way...

Oh, will we see any of those photos up on your blog???

Butterfly Kissez said...

I'll post MM's photos once I do a few repairs...sadly a lot have age spots in them because of the age of the negatives but I have a few I can post...the slides are the same...thank god for photoshop! There's a beautiful pic of me all in white as a baby and of course there was black spots all over the dress lol...cleaned it up and the photo looks like it was taken yesterday...might even show some before and after photos.

SOL's view said...

We're waiting....

for the before and after shots!