I am very blessed in that my place of employment is closing its doors on the 20th December this year and we return on 2 January 2014. That is quite a long break for us! Also they give us the days we are closed for free in that the days don't come off our regular leave days and we still get paid for them so it is 5 "free" days we get. It is their way of thanking us for all our hard work during the year. So I am truly looking forward to the long break. Hubby and I have decided on no gifts this year as we are saving for a holiday and for our new house we want to build next year. All I really want is a day of great memories...friends, family, great food, great laughs and lots to drink! (Although I am still banned from alcohol!)
As I type this now we are in the midst of a pretty nasty storm! I went out for lunch just as it started to pour down rain so I have come back to work with soaking wet shoes! So currently sitting barefoot here waiting for my shoes to dry enough to be able to stand putting them back on! We have had a series of storms the past couple of days which has been nice as everything is so dry but in all honesty it has been barely enough to soak the ground.
Our biggest excitement at home this week was the sighting of a small snake which decided to pop out from under my car and say "hi" as I was getting in! Needless to say I wasn't a very happy camper! Hubby reckons he was more terrified of me than I of him but I don't care! I HATE snakes! I can deal with spiders but snakes? Brrrrrrr! Mind you he was only a wee little fellow and I lost sight of where he went in the midst of my shrieking and dancing the dance of the wild snake woman! It's only the second snake I have seen in all the 15 years of living where we do. I am rather amazed we haven't seen others considering we live right beside a bush area that is home to koalas, the odd wallaby, a family of scrub turkeys, bearded dragons and an echidna!
One of my lovely Facebook friends informed me last night that there was three more pays until Christmas! (We get paid fortnightly) Boy did that take the wind out of my sails! I haven't even thought about Christmas yet as I have 2 birthday parties to get through in the next 2 weekends. Where on earth did the time go this year? I had intended to hand make my Christmas cards this year (I was supposed to last year as well but ran out of time!) but chances are I will not make it again this year. Even having 2 days of a week from work I still manage to have so much to do and not enough time to do everything. I have decided I must be one of those terribly unorganised people! I seem to have such grand plans and I make copious lists of things that MUST be done but only a small fraction of these tasks ever gets marked off! *Sigh*
Anyway I guess I should make some effort here in the office to be productive so I leave you here with the following thought:
"One thought, one moment, can change the rest of your life.
Don't blink, you'll miss it! "